I would like to grow enough for my self only. I would be happy if I got a minimum of 3-4oz per year.
I will be starting from seeds (have not bought them yet). I'm researching growing before I buy any seeds.
Here is my understanding of growing.
Germinate seeds
Plant seeds and let the plants do the vegetative growth.
Once the plants get to the flowering stage you can tell which are male or female.
You get rid of the males and let the females bloom.
you take cuttings from the mother plants and grow them to make clones.
Once the clones mature, that's what you harvest/cure/smoke.
It seems that's the way for large production growing. I wouldn't see any bud to smoke for 6 months and would need separate grow chambers with different light cycles. (I don't have a lot of room for that) At most, I have enough room for 3 mature plants.
The other way I can see is to let the mother/female plants mature and smoke that, and start over with new seeds, but that seems expensive to me.
Should I let a male mature so i can make my own seeds?
Or is there a better way.
I will be starting from seeds (have not bought them yet). I'm researching growing before I buy any seeds.
Here is my understanding of growing.
Germinate seeds
Plant seeds and let the plants do the vegetative growth.
Once the plants get to the flowering stage you can tell which are male or female.
You get rid of the males and let the females bloom.
you take cuttings from the mother plants and grow them to make clones.
Once the clones mature, that's what you harvest/cure/smoke.
It seems that's the way for large production growing. I wouldn't see any bud to smoke for 6 months and would need separate grow chambers with different light cycles. (I don't have a lot of room for that) At most, I have enough room for 3 mature plants.
The other way I can see is to let the mother/female plants mature and smoke that, and start over with new seeds, but that seems expensive to me.
Should I let a male mature so i can make my own seeds?
Or is there a better way.