Straw polls


Well-Known Member
Im glad you love social conservatives so much, thats a bit off-topic,

back on topic: ~30ish percent of republican voters are likely to vote for Ron Paul, the only real Christian choice there is.
actually, they are ALL christians, even huntsman and romney.

if they want batshit insane like them, they can certainly go with santorum or bachmann.


New Member
actually, they are ALL christians, even huntsman and romney.

if they want batshit insane like them, they can certainly go with santorum or bachmann.
First off , huntsman is a damn democrat, idk what hes there for just to steal some votes I guess? And steal Ron Paul talking time at the debates lol...Republicans are not going to vote for him.

Second, Romney is a mormon.

Third, Santorum is a neocon and most christians don't like him. Although bombing Iran may sound christian to some rednecks and social conservatives is their 'club'..I think most Christian's are against killing people and torture.....they should be anyways. Santorum also makes a lot of scenes and often times at church's, people just flat out disagree with this guy on so many topics and he act like a total ass when someone disagrees with him.

Fourth, Bachman? Not happening...Women hate other women, Men don't want a woman especially old fashioned Christian men who look down on women. Especially when she has a gay husband lol (Most importantly she doesn't make any god damn sense whatsoever, she says 'obamacare' every 5 sentences and somehow this is the most important thing for jobs? WTF...dingbat)


Well-Known Member
First off , huntsman is a damn democrat...
i don't know many democrats that want to repeal the PPACA, are pro-life, implement a flat tax and so on and so forth.

Second, Romney is a mormon.
mormons are christians, too.

Third, Santorum is a neocon and most christians don't like him.
actually, they love that whole 'hating the gays, bombing the brown guys' talk.

did you forget about jack fate already? jack fate may well have BEEN santorum for all we know.

Fourth, Bachman? Not happening...Women hate other women, Men don't want a woman especially old fashioned Christian men who look down on women.
explain the popularity of palin, then.


New Member
i don't know many democrats that want to repeal the PPACA, are pro-life, implement a flat tax and so on and so forth.

mormons are christians, too.
Sure, but they aren't traditional, they have only been around since the late 1800's at best. They assert that Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820 - which makes absolutely no sense if you follow traditional Christian beliefs. Additionally, there are more Muslim citizens then Mormons.

actually, they love that whole 'hating the gays, bombing the brown guys' talk.

did you forget about jack fate already? jack fate may well have BEEN santorum for all we know.
I Lol'd...the last line was pretty damn funny , but yes I addressed this when I said this is the group these nutjobs identify with, but I have to say you are stereotyping big time here. Not every Christian is a hypocrite and a dumb redneck. Killing people and hating people is against the bible, there is some authentic Christians that aren't haters believe it or not...lots of them.

explain the popularity of palin, then.
You are asking me to do something damn near impossible. The best explanation is that she is a milf, she says what people want to hear, and she has lots of corporate sponsors...shes the type that run for Ms America which I believe she actually was ms alaska or something? Its just a popularity contest for her and she knows how to suck corporate cock and play the game.

Bachman is just one of those fraudulent types that probably owns antique furniture only, teaches pottery classes, and probably would wear a cowboy hat or French beret even in the south like the dumb broad she is, she probably has a bu-day in her house.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
You can bet your last bowl of bud... If any of those other inbreds were on top it would be spammed all over the TV, Iphone and yahoo pages. Heck they even tried to ignore the last one with Cain and Paul on top as though there are two fields in this small race. stating that the other idiots are a few points away from each other. Almost like me watching for my number three horse in a Tribox.


New Member
You can bet your last bowl of bud... If any of those other inbreds were on top it would be spammed all over the TV, Iphone and yahoo pages. Heck they even tried to ignore the last one with Cain and Paul on top as though there are two fields in this small race. stating that the other idiots are a few points away from each other. Almost like me watching for my number four horse in a superfecta
You would be right the majority of the time it has been like this but when bachman won Iowa they didn't shut up about her and they tried to say she was the tea party canididate lmao

And when Cain won Florida...OMG they still haven't shut up about that one.

They have all been very easy for us to tell people the truth about, they are running out of options, its basically Mitt Vs Paul soon, once all the dirt on herman cain gets recognized a little more, hes their make believe front runner at the moment.


Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
[You would be right the majority of the time it has been like this but when bachman won Iowa they didn't shut up about her and they tried to say she was the tea party canididate lmao]

Thats my point!


Well-Known Member
Additionally, there are more Muslim citizens then Mormons.
so, the fact that muslims outnumber mormons somehow means that mormons don't follow their own view of christ?

you also brought up how their beliefs make no sense. what part of a talking snake and a zombie savior that defies physics makes any sense to you?

Killing people and hating people is against the bible, there is some authentic Christians that aren't haters believe it or not...lots of them.
last time i checked, most of those types of christians identified as liberals ;)

Bachman is just one of those fraudulent types that probably owns antique furniture only, teaches pottery classes, and probably would wear a cowboy hat or French beret even in the south like the dumb broad she is, she probably has a bu-day in her house.
she did a better job at marketing herself than palin did.


Well-Known Member
Umm the Mormon church is officially called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You think they might be Christian because they have Jesus Christ in the name? Sure, they have some wacky way out there beliefs with absolutely no way to back up or prove any of it, but overall they are a good bunch of folk. They believe in Family fist and foremost, except for Divorce, which they have no problem doing 3 or 10 times. They believe in saving and giving to the needy, also many are astute business persons. The LDS church owns many of the large corporations you take for granted. The Church currently owns 48 banks, 34 lumber companies, 60 newspapers and magazines, 55 mining firms, 55 railroads and 9 hotels. There is also the $16 Billion insurance company and a chain of radio and TV stations. Not to mention 925,000 acres of US land and also 2,000 acres on the N Shore of Oahu. The big mall in Salt Lake city is also owned by the church along with large real estate holdings valued in excess of $100 billion.

The richest damned cult you have ever seen.


New Member
so, the fact that muslims outnumber mormons somehow means that mormons don't follow their own view of christ?

you also brought up how their beliefs make no sense. what part of a talking snake and a zombie savior that defies physics makes any sense to you?

last time i checked, most of those types of christians identified as liberals ;)

she did a better job at marketing herself than palin did.
again with the sterotypes, your trapped in your little left/right bubble aren't you? your view of republicans is akin to a racist views on his hated race. Keep on sleeping sheeple.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
seriously, people need to hop off their "republican/democrat" fidelity bandwagons and unite as Americans for the goodness and progression of our country and humanity. I can't believe how many people simply put up brick walls just because they "vote democratic" or some unreal excuse.

Snap out of it and actually look at what's going on, our county is going to shit and 4 more years of obama will do nothing to put a stop to this decline.


Well-Known Member
again with the sterotypes, your trapped in your little left/right bubble aren't you? your view of republicans is akin to a racist views on his hated race. Keep on sleeping sheeple.
that "rebuttal" lacked any substance whatsoever and was just a veiled attempt at calling me a racist.



New Member
that "rebuttal" lacked any substance whatsoever and was just a veiled attempt at calling me a racist.

id have to agree, I wrote that upon waking up, you are stereotyping pretty badly, but you know, Ill stick to that..I wouldn't normally even reply to that horrific post you made. I guess I was awe stricken to see that not 2 minutes after opening my eyes this morning.

The way you have 2 categories of left and right it really saddens me.


New Member
Had this song in my head still


Well-Known Member
id have to agree, I wrote that upon waking up, you are stereotyping pretty badly, but you know, Ill stick to that..I wouldn't normally even reply to that horrific post you made. I guess I was awe stricken to see that not 2 minutes after opening my eyes this morning.

The way you have 2 categories of left and right it really saddens me.
i made one reference to "liberal" in that thread, and it was true in my empirical experience.

you have no room to speak, trying to pigeonhole one group into voting for your candidate of choice.

by the way, your candidate of choice is a loser who will lose.


New Member
The judge highlights why this straw poll is so important:


Well-Known Member
Well... I have to agree with the pastor that mormonism is a cult... but I think all religion is :)

I saw a documentary once on the Church of Latter Day Saints and how they set up fake organizations to fight gay rights... I don't remember what it was called... wish I did though


Well-Known Member
Well... I have to agree with the pastor that mormonism is a cult... but I think all religion is :)

I saw a documentary once on the Church of Latter Day Saints and how they set up fake organizations to fight gay rights... I don't remember what it was called... wish I did though
I read that once such organization was ProtectMarriage. I am sure there are others.