Strawberry Cough And HashPlant Grow


Active Member
Harvested 1 of 6 today here's some porn... prob could of went another week or 2 but needed the room for the rest of the siblings



Active Member
yeah i'll be damned it was the far right corner onw that hermied i believe it was due to the overdose of kool bloom well no more of that stuff for me. I got the beans from a good friend. Since hermi was due to stress shouldn't the seed be feminised the strawberry cough is the one that hermied also the hashplant is gonna be awesome its so resinous and as far as i can tell i only see about 5 seeds in her probably will chop next week. The there are 2 sativas and a late indica to harvest. This was my 1 st grow in 5 years just wanted to try my hand again and see if i can git er dun. After this grow is finished i probably wont start anything else till March. thanks for checking out the grow. Oh yeah im smoking a bit of the cough now eventhough it was pollinated its still the bomb just takes a few more secs than avg to pull the seeds out. Well enuff of me ramblin. Will post more pics soon
1st plant harvested: Strawberry Cough
Wet Wt of Strawbwrry Cough was 120 gr.
Dry Wt 36.5 gr
Not too bad the others should all out weigh her ... Stay Tuned...