Strawberry Cough Kings Kush Critical Acapulco Gold Sensi Star& Original Skunk #1 grow


Well-Known Member
Good news. I took a quick look at my plants in 24hr darkness and noticed they look really nice so far. all except the AG are reaching up searching for light (praying hands style) which is a first so far this grow. Budsites are tending to yellow in the center. Ive seen this before and believe its not a bad sign. to me its just (as far as i can tell) a trait they have that signals the beginning of flowering (no hairs yet obviously)

i just looked in long enough to get a quick pic and the quickly shut the light off.


Also for those interested in knowing:
My hydrofarm t5 is set up. 3 out of 4 beans have cracked so far (in only 24hrs since i put them in the paper towels) they are: Confidential Cheese (RP), Great white shark (ghs), Original Amnesia (Dinafem) only one not to pop so far is Sour Cream (DNA).

I watered my pots with plenty of water then planted the pop'd beans in one by one. few sprays of the water bottle and thats it.

They are sitting under the t5 (not on now...just on for the picture) just waiting to get pop above ground.


Thanks for looking feel free to comment or ask questions. :weed:


Well-Known Member
and before anyone rags on me most of my drip trays are busted so until i get to a home depot or hydro store im using cookie sheets. Dont judge me! 8)


Well-Known Member
Lights back on folks! Im running at 1200w right now in flower.

I had to make a last minute readjustment of my schedule so I turned them on this evening. So instead of a 2 day dark cycle its about a day & 1/2.

I opened the door to the grow room. hit the light switch on the ceiling. Plants were perked up looking for light. Center of the bud sites yellow'd even more than the day before (once again not something i believe is a problem/deficiency).

Today i re-LST'd my plants (as they had grown a lot after that dark period. especially the AG), set up my other 600w, replaced the towels on the floor i use those for to keep the floor clean from messes.

I grouped the plants together by height. the taller plants are on the left together now (AG, Critical+, Strawberry Cough) and the 3 smaller ones under the hps on the right (KK, Sensi Star, Original Skunk #1).

Ill keep saying it: That AG is gonna be a MONSTER. easily going to be the biggest plant with 5 main colas (top'd and fim'd).

I didnt do any supercropping today as i dont want to stress the plants i think im just gonna let them flower from here with out any type of stress or supercrop, etc.

When i first came into my grow room i noticed the humidity was high (70% before i started turning on the lights) i got it as low as 60%. I know its not a major factor now (just entering flowering) but im really gonna need to lower this humidity prior to going deep in flower.

Im thinking damp-rid or something (suggestions welcome)

Humidity is only a problem where i live in the wintertime. in the summer 30%-45% is avg so i think a dehumidifier is not needed. im just hoping to avoid mold/bud rot during flower as my plants are VERY bushy.

Temps with both 600w's are 78-79 degrees with no a/c (fans only). not bad.

Included are a few pics from today for your viewing pleasure at different times during my adjustment of the flower room.

Now the pistil watch begins!

ALSO on feedings until pistils show: should i just go plain water every watering until i see pistils? continue feeding veg nutes till i see pistils? use half dose veg nutes with half dose flower nutes? all flower nutes?

generally i just water until i see pistils without nutes but was wondering if theres a better/preferred way.

PS. i still havent watered the King's Kush or the Sensi Star yet (still too heavy).
also the kings kush has made a comeback since the dark cycle :)

thanks for reading comments/questions welcome.



Well-Known Member
I shall call this the holy mother of updates indeed!

Loads of pics, tons of grow info. exciting stuff happening here.

1st things first. today is officially day 1 flowering for both my original skunk #1 AND my sensi star. Believe it or not i spotted hairs today on both of them. the OS#1 has hairs on several nodes. no more than 3-4 on each one. the sensi star is slightly behind but still displaying hairs.

This is quite amazing considering ive NEVER had plants show sex so quickly. EVER in my 4 years of growing. i almost didnt believe it to be honest.

i would have taken a pic however my camera is that good. it just came out blurry and it couldnt tell they were showing in the pic. sorry.

My kings kush looks like it has a deficiency of some sort. ive seen this problem before but will consult a plant diagnoses thread first to compare pics to see which specifically (i dont remember what deficiency it is off hand) i think magnesium is it...ill check.

Also (this is truly epic and im gonna make a separate thread about it) in my veg room i planted 1 fem bean in each pot (original amnesia, Confidential Cheese, Great White Shark, Sour Cream). The original amnesia, confidential cheese and GWS have popped up above soil today.

the sour cream should be up by tomorrow (it took one extra day to germ than the rest which was 48hrs from putting it in paper towels)

Heres the epic part: the pot with the original Amnesia has TWO sprouts. yes TWO and its not possible that another bean was dropped in accidentally. i literally only had the 1 bean when planted it and the soil (ocean forest) was brand new from the store (i literally opened the bag...put it in the pot...put the OA in it. then moved it to my veg room b4 grabbing a new pot/bean.

also...the mystery sprout is smaller (not as far along) as the original amnesia i planted. i know because i planted the OA in the middle of the pot and this new sprout is half way between the sprout in the middle and the edge of the pot.

I have NO idea how this happened. im literally stunned. I wanna keep it so i know ill have to dig it out and transplant it. how long should i wait till i do that? or just let them both grow, clone the mystery one and chop it off the pot its sharing with the OA? its truly the most amazing thing ive seen in all my time of growing. so unexpected. i was so surprised i laughed with joy for 10 mins as i didnt know what else to do.

Also humidity is a semi-big problem still. before lights on humidity was nearly 70. after 20 mins on i was able to get the humidity down to 55-60% on avg. still to high for flower imo. im hoping to do something DIY to get rid of the humidity. at least down to 40-45%. id be content with that. im already using two fans plus a fan on my window (sucking in from outside). plus a ceiling fan. so really 4 in total.

how deep can i go in flowering before the high humidity really becomes a problem? someone please help me lower it. idk if i should use damp-rid, kitty litter (if so what brand/kind or doesnt matter?) rice? silica gel? etc/ whatever works best just please point me in that direction.


Comments/questions welcome!



Well-Known Member
Is anyone reading this anymore or am i just entertaining myself?

not much to update today. KK, and sensi star were both watered. the AG was watered w/nutes. (1tbl of bio bloom, 1 tsp of grow big and 1 tsp of tiger bloom per gal of water)

OS#1 & Sensi star are still the only two to show sex up until this point.

Here are some pics from today.


Active Member
:bigjoint:Well so far things look great hope to see your finished product My crictal is so big day 45 in flower and main colas [2] are larger than a soda can ,Happy Farming ,Cajunbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Well so far things look great hope to see your finished product My crictal is so big day 45 in flower and main colas [2] are larger than a soda can ,Happy Farming ,Cajunbongsmilie
Awesome! how long did you veg for? under what type/watt light? ne pics to share? mine seems pretty compact so far (more indica side id say). how was the smoke?


Well-Known Member
Whats up RIU. Nothing too new to mention from today other than the fact i fed my Critical+ and Original Skunk #1.

Critical+ Received: 1tsp grow big. 1tsp tiger bloom. 1 tbl of bio bloom. I did this because its after 24dark and start of 12/12 but not showing hairs yet. so i feed a little of both bloom and veg nutes.

the Original Skunk #1 (showing pistils) received a full bloom feedings (2tsp of tiger bloom and 1tbl of bio bloom).

No new plants showing pistils so far.

I was also successful (with a lil help from mother nature) in getting my humidity down to around 50%-52%. when lights came on it was 60%. not too bad so far rite?

Turns out my pH is always in the correct range when using FF nutes w/ the water however runs at about 7.0 when its just plain water so now im well aware of how i have to do it. I still check my first gal of water each time i do to see if anything changes.

Other than that business as usual.

Also one quick pic from today at lights on. Plants labeled so you dont have to sit, stare and wonder whats what.

AG = Acapulco Gold
SC = Strawberry Cough
KK = King's Kush
OS#1 = Original Skunk #1
the other two are obvious.


thanks for dropping by.


Well-Known Member
You're gonna have monsters since you vegged for so long. Wish I was around earlier to tell you fuck yeah flip them... lol.

I'm vegging 8 females under a 1000 w hps and am currently at day 10 for 5 of them and day 3 for 3 of them. Going to add another 400 w hps when I start to flower when they're all around 3 weeks old.



Well-Known Member
You're gonna have monsters since you vegged for so long. Wish I was around earlier to tell you fuck yeah flip them... lol.

I'm vegging 8 females under a 1000 w hps and am currently at day 10 for 5 of them and day 3 for 3 of them. Going to add another 400 w hps when I start to flower when they're all around 3 weeks old.

Lol im going for monsters! i just hope they dont grow TOO big. im hoping to get a lb harvest. hoping. anything over that would be icing on the cake. Humidity is probably gonna be my biggest problem throughout.

you have pics of yours?

i'll do my best to keep this thing updated as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
quck update for the day:
Strawberry cough was fed (1tsp grow big, 1tsp tiger bloom, 1tbl bio bloom) its still not showing pistils btw.

Other than that everything went pretty routine today.

I plan to remove the 2nd sprout in my veg room and replant it in its own pot. Fingers crossed for some dope (ie. dank not actual dope), we'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
As of today the Strawberry cough and the Critical+ are shoing hairs.

now all thats left is the AG and KK. im pretty sure ill be able to confirm (for sure) pistils on the KK. i say its a tad bit too early to tell for sure.

Judging by preflowers the AG and KK should be all female (no male or hermie)

Humidity is still not where i want it. Its around 62 when the lights are coming on and doesnt seem to go lower than 50% ever but tends to avg 55-58% during 12hrs on cycle. is high humidity during the dark cycle as bad as humidity during the on cycle? or is one better than the other, etc.

my guess says high humidity during lights off is probably worse than high humidity with lights on.

the Strawberry Cough has EXPLODED with growth over the past 2 days. its unreal. now taller than the AG (believe it or not). infact its the tallest of the bunch. hope it doesnt stretch too much. I have a solid 2-3 feet (max) that i can raise the light from where it is now. so this may get interesting if it grows like this consistently for 2-3 wks.

Any ideas/tips would be helpful.

Other than that nothing much to say so check the pics out.



Well-Known Member
Sorry i didnt come online last night.

Anyway heres whats new:
In an effort to battle my humidity (before i purchase the damp rid) I rearranged my plants/setup to better the airflow.

Previously I had fans blowing in all different directions which made it very breezy in the grow room but at the same time i think humidity was a problem because the fans were (in a sense) fighting each other to push air.

So i switched the plants on the left (the tall ones, AG, SC, critical+) with the ones on the right (KK, SS, OS#1) and moved a fan behind them on the left side (behind the small ones)

I have an a/c unit thats on the the very left side of the room even with my plants lights. before i had a fan on the right blowing across the plants AGAINST the a/c. now i have the a/c with the big fan in front of it with it blowing across the plants (smallest plants to biggest).

I figure this will cool the room faster AND drop humidity. I did this shortly before lights out so i can report the results of this yet however i do expect the humidity to drop even further.

I figure with the fan right in front of the a/c its gonna suck that air and get it through the room faster. thats my logic.

I watered and fed a few plants that were really dry. the AG and OS#1 being two of them. I think the OS#1 is a big eater. I watered it saturday and yesterday (tuesday) the pot was already very very light. i never usually have to feed 5 gal pots that quick. usually its 5-6 days. the AG i expect to use water up fast due to its massive size (fyi it barely fits through the door anymore!)

the SC continues to be a stretchy ass plant. its easily taller than the AG.

Also the AG is still the only plant to not show pistils.

Other than the SC most of my plants have stayed rather compact considering their size when i switched to 12/12.

right now though humidity is my only concern. everything else is coming along pretty well all things considered. ive had more problems than usual this grow but at the same time i've been able to solve most of my problems rather easily/before they become a serious problem so i can't complain really.

Thanks for checking the journal out. Pic update later today!


Well-Known Member
I know its been a few days but fuck it I got pics so dont give me a hard time :P


anyway. Things have pretty much been what they were. Plants seem decently happy. The strawberry cough is taller (believe it or not) than the AG. the AG just showed sex (finally) last night. it was the LONGEST to show pistils out of the bunch.

the Strawberry Cough is one stretchy bitch. the AG hasn't really gotten bigger.

Infact the AG and SC are the biggest plants and the rest are a lot shorter. i put the critical+ w/ the AG and SC as its the tallest out of my shorter plants and i cant have 4 under 1 light and 2 under another as i feel it'll hurt my harvest.

Ive just been using my A/c to combat the high humidity. at lights on its still around 60% but within an hour (and some a/c) i can get it down to 48-50% which is pretty good considering I still havent used any damprid/anything else.

Now all plants will be officially fed flower nutes (previously some got veg nutes some got flower nutes) hardly any leaves have died on the bottom of the plants (as usually happens in flower). Yesterday i think i pulled 5-6 leaves total from all of them. Which pretty nice.

the SC may have some bleaching from the light but i did not actually burn the plant and it doesn't look stressed so yay.

here are the pics as promised (btw the little red pot is the mystery seedling that was in the original amnesia pot.. the original amnesia is directly behind it in the photo) the OA looks happy and idk what to make of the mystery seedling yet. its not droopy but not perky like the OA either so we'll see what happens there)



Well-Known Member
Nothing to say really, just a quick picture update.

Also what do you guys think so far? looking good? bad? etc I want to know everyone's opinion.



Active Member
100_2115.jpgHow often do you water in the 5 gal buckets ??? all looks great here is a picure of my critical from seed 100_2109.jpg


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1863411How often do you water in the 5 gal buckets ??? all looks great here is a picure of my critical from seed View attachment 1863410
it looks NICE. However I tend to be pessimistic so this where i say, "damn it looks like a bitch to trim". it has what i call a "rough main cola" instead of a "smooth" one. hope that makes sense.

Um with the 5 gal pots it all depends imo. I have plants that need water every 4 days and i have plants that can go 7 days inbetween waterings. It matters on the soil you're using and the drainage. My Kings kush needs water generally only once a week as it seems to hold water rather easily. Some (like my OS#1) needs water all the time.

Theres lots of variables. if you're asking how often should you water the 5 gal pots my advice is to use the lift test. if the pot feels heavy (like when freshly watered) then its not ready. if its light/easy to pick up (not that 5 gal pots are ever light really lol) then water it.

I have 10 plants in total (4 in veg...6 in bloom) so i now keep a piece of paper in my grow rooms with each plant's watering schedule on it. it has the date, strain, what it needs (water or feeding) and a "check" space. everytime i water i write it down and keep track. i do this because not all my plants need water at the same time so i try to care for them individually. some days i only water 1-2 plants, somedays none at all. its a hell of a lot better than trying to water them all on the same day and risking over-watering or messing up my feedings (ie. by not feeding a plant i should feed or feeding when i should water, etc)

so far its working.


Well-Known Member
Quick pic update for your entertainment. Plants starting to bud now. Critical+ is the furthest along and the SC has the most bud sites. should be interesting.

The AG is lanky and not very strong ill have to tie it up before harvest for sure.

other than that its been pretty smooth sailing. the humidity is down now to about 55% after the dark cycle and 40-46% avg during lights on!

im sure its just a weather system and wont last but i'll enjoy it while i can.



Hey you could get a dehumidifier to lower humidity? And are you sure that "mystery" sprout is cannabis? You will get random weed (not marijuana) sprouts from FF soil every now and then. Sometimes even mushrooms..


Well-Known Member
Hey you could get a dehumidifier to lower humidity? And are you sure that "mystery" sprout is cannabis? You will get random weed (not marijuana) sprouts from FF soil every now and then. Sometimes even mushrooms..
i got mushrooms last grow but it wasn't FF soil i used. I did a grow "on the cheap" w/ some no name organic soil. got some mushrooms. no biggie but this is for SURE an MJ sprout. I was a little rough (unintentionally) when i moved it to its own pot so its not too happy right now lol.

my GWS and Original Amnesia are my two best looking plants in veg right now. Which reminds me i need to water them today as ive been neglecting them slightly.

I'd get a dehumidifier but i can't justify getting one for only 2-3 months out of the year. seems like a waste to me as the only time humidity is high is a few months out of the year at most.

I was gonna try damp-rid but since its been naturally drier here lately I haven't needed to. My daytime humidity is now going as low as 40-43% which is good imo. As long as im not over 52-53% humidity i think that should be fine. I know 60+ is where the mold problems start.