Grow Goddess
Well-Known Member

Here's a quote from another site
Now for the strawberry fields. It is a 100% indica strain that originated in vermont. around 7 weeks flowering time. Breed for the taste and smell of strawberries, and to be able to finish before the first snow fall in Vermont. High yielder. from what I understand, the strain was given it's name because the breeder grew it for many years in with his strawberry plants, and claimed that the original scent of strawberries was intensified because of the way he grew the plants together. nevertheless, if his theories were correct or not, the worked plants in his field had developed a scent and smell that matched his freshest strawberries to a tee. But the high was not ideal for his prefrences(needed to be more cerebral). He took an outstanding pure haze male and crossed it with his best female flowering in his fields. These are essentially strawberry cough seeds, but not the clone that's going around. The SC pheno clone was found in sorting through dozens of these seeds that were given to kyle kushman. the SC clone yields very heavily from it's mother strawberry fields(which I was told the real deal is now extinct). expect a minimun of five to six ounces per sc plant, and the real deal finish around 7.5 -9 weeks depending on what you look at to harvest. each branch must be supported with at least one stalk, or the weight of the buds will cause your limbs and buds to hang on the ground
regarding the Strawberry Cough heritage, Strawberry Fields x Haze as I was told. Though Kyle (with whom I worked @ HighTimes and who provided the clone & details to me) had said it was a lonely (& lowly, he thought at first) clone, not seeds, which he received. He did not expect much (the 'breeder' had a very small, humble environment) and accepted the clone only to be polite ~ upon arriving home after a fairly long drive he opened the box where he had placed the clones and was suprised to catch the strong aroma of strawberries. At that moment he thought that it just might be something special. (which it really is!)
Maybe somebody can help me identify my strawberry cough plant.
All of its characteristics are all that was described in the quote, 7 - 8 week flower time, and intense strawberry fruity smell, more of an indica appearance. I won this plant as a clone in Detroit, it was rumored that the Kushman cut SBC was in that area. I myself only took the clone to be polite. The plant I have is not like the one that is described on Dutch Passion Seeds, it doesn't even look like it at all. My plant is super frosty. I think I may have the actual Kushman cut clone. Someone else on a different site, who is from Cali, freaked when they saw my pic telling me that I have the Kushman Strawberry Cough, at that time that meant nothing to me. I wasn't educated at all about Strawberry Cough, I had never heard of it until I won the clone.
Maybe someone can help me determine if what I have is in fact the Kushman cut, or maybe a different cut. Either way I would like to know whether it is or isn't the Kushman cut. The taste is phenomenal but I have been thinking about removing it from my grow because normally I like my plants to be more potent than this one is. I would hate to make a breed extinct though, especially if it is a desired strain. I suppose I could donate a clone or something to my club and it can be raffled off the same way as I originally got mine.
Any feedback in identification would be appreciated.