Strawberry Cough X Sour Diesel hobby grow


Well-Known Member
alright guys. Just spent 3 hours trimming off all the fan leaves. Gettin her ready for harvest in two days. I was expecting more yield, but i cant complain at all.

She gets cut down on the 15th. Ill post more pics then.



Active Member
Yoo im neww this website but defo no new to the sour deasle i dont come around alot in our area ones a month if were lucky have you got any idear how i make the stalk really realy fat so it bushys out more ? Ive been growing mine for about 3 months its about 2 foot talll from the roots to the top have you any idear what i have 2 to? My friend is also bringing round 3 verry big male plants is there anyfing i can do with them to get me high or make some sort of resin with the polleen ? Wb (*)[e][a][c][h](*).
depends how old the males are but they can always pollenate a female so keep it away from your female or it will be full of seedy buds man but next year you will have thousands of good quality seeds


Well-Known Member
I'd say more than that. That's a stout lady in a big pot. How long did it flower for? What do the trichs look like?


Well-Known Member
This plant is weird. The trichs were pretty much all amber and milky. About 75% of the hairs were orange. But she only flowered for a little over a month. I mean, i guess she could have gone longer but everything was showing signs of being ready. Started flowering the last few days of July. 6 weeks flowering time which isn't a lot for a Sativa. My friends outdoor flowered the same exact days and he grew AK47 (also sativa).

Either way, the tops are fat and the plant is sticky, smelly, and sparkly :)


Well-Known Member
yeah man she was lovin the heat wave. Sunlight blasting on her all day. It was a fun season. Next year ill be more prepared with more experience. Now its time to start planning the indoor.

Patrick, i got the seeds from someone local.


Well-Known Member
September 16th - HARVEST
Grow time - 6 months, 16 days.

Here we go. Chopped her down and she is hanging to dry now. Still have a lot of pruning to do.

curing pics to follow...


Well-Known Member
I was just going to say that, you trim and manicure before you hang, all those leaves are going to sticc to your buds


Well-Known Member
it was a long day yesterday. I ran out of time to trim. Maybe this week while its all still hanging ill go and trim it all up.


Well-Known Member
simply magnificent! i also have a strawberry cough and its smelly smelly thank god its outdoors and not hybridised with sour diesel like yours cause then it would really wreek!!bongsmilie

am i right is it smelly as hell??


Active Member
If you don't trim now, and wait for it to dry, I find your more careful when doing the trimming. You damage less trichomes. And the leaves act as little "sheaths" and help protect the trich's. Its just another way to go about it. Anyway, looks great man. :peace: