Strawberry haze???


Well-Known Member
the plants are 5 days old from the packet and all 3 are about an inch, there are the fastert seeds ive ever germed, or now im doing it right.


Well-Known Member
Man i hate to say it but the first few pics in this thread of your bigger plants, those things just look soaking wet man. I dont know if its overwatered or pH problem or what. But dude those things look sickly. I really really think you are watering WAAAY to much and i can almost guarantee you are spraying them. Please man, if you only listen to one thing just ease off on the watering. Only water when the soil pulls away from the pot no matter how much you want to. And dont spray them at all for any reason man. You have some good looking plants, a little tweaking and they will look right again. As of now they look like you soak them in water bro, not good not good. I hope something works, i hate to see that many plants looking like that. Dont worry though, they arent to far gone. You can fix it, just listen to some of the advice around here.


Well-Known Member
dont know what you mean?. and man i never spray my plants, the only plants i have that are wet are the clones. other than that i dont know what you mean, what pic?.


Well-Known Member
The very first pics of this thread, of the bigger plants. They look soaking wet. And yes your little clones look good, i wasnt talking about those. But you said you wont water til they are nearly dry...wait til they ARE dry. The soil can get bone dry before the plants start wilting. They use water in the stems and leaves as backup before they actually wilt. Dont let them wilt, just water right before they do that. You could let them wilt one time so you can see about how long they take, or what the soil looks like right before they wilt. Then water them and it will bring them right back. Then youll know when to water them from now on. But you dont need to have water sitting in the bottom whether they are young or not. That will cause attract gnats and bacteria. It will also cause the plant to stay wet at all times cause the bottom will stay wet even if the top looks dry AND it will grow roots out of the bottom through those holes. I know this for a fact cause i did a test with an air pump and a tray of water under a plant...roots will grow to the water, its common sense. I know how hard it is to want to do something to plants everyday, but sometimes you just gotta fight the urge and walk away. Even if the soil looks light (dry) on top you gotta remember theres about 7-10in of soil that you cant see that is probably wet. Only when the dirt pulls away from the pot is it dry. And with a small seedling or clone this may be 2 weeks! Bigger plants take up water faster, small plants take longer. So dont water every 3 days just because, jsut water when they need it. They will tell you. Its your first pics im talking about, of the bigger plants. These

And the pic you ahve beside your name, your avatar. Thats one of the ones im talking about. Please dont think im saying this is a mean way cause im really not. Im just saying they look really really soaking wet. That may not be the case, thats just how they look. Maybe the humidity is super high or even really low. The pH may be outta whack or it might be fine one time and really low or high the next. pH flucuation causes that droopy wet look too. Something is causing it, just trying to figure out what. They dont look healthy. I just want you to find out what it is thats all. So please dont take this the wrong way, i really dont mean it like that bro. Heres a few links that may help. Both of the ones that have pics have pics that look just like yours. Check em out, maybe you can find out whats causing that... Marijuana Plant Abuse and International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! and Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos The first 2 have the pics im talking about.


Well-Known Member
sorry not wet, and as for humid. ha . its england in winter, and im growing outside in a garage, its really cold,. and as for the four small yellow looking hermie clones what i got, well they have gone now. but thanks for your help. really. thanks.


Well-Known Member
hey crazy....looking very sweet. the ones that you have from before look awesome, especially those last shots....nice big colas - drool drool...making a mess again......
you and me started new seeds on exactly the same day, and it looks like we're running neck and neck with our sprouts. good luck man, I'll keep watching you're progress. good luck!


Well-Known Member
a 017.jpg

day 10. 3.ajans strawberry haze
day 9 . 3. big bang. there all doing fine, the big bang in the peat pot, has looked ill since it started to shoot at day 4 all the resr were growing in pots by day 3. any way, it looks like it was going to flop aver twice, but it keeps cumming back, its just about 4 /5 days behind. but so far 6 of 6.
may be cos the ill bigbang is in the peat pot. may be its the pot, cos its the only one out of the six?. the pot seems to always damp. could this be why, but ive only had it in the peat pot for 3 days. any views.

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Well-Known Member
do the plants look very leggy, the plants are about 3/4 mm from the small 10watt flos 5 of em, the 4 10watt and one 16wattflo. = 56 watts for 6 small plants seedlings in a space of 12" by 12" by 10" high. the flos are very small and just the rite size they dont waste lite, i put the small plants in a small box, put the flos ontop of the box, about 3 to 4 mm away, temp 65 to 75, and i put a white thick towel. on top of the flos.over. as a sort of reflector,for the lite to bounce off,back into the box, so i dont waste any lite, it trapps the lite in the box, it seems quite brite, i always use this for a week or 2. b4 i start to use the 250 hps just for stage two vegging. then i go 400 and cud go higher if needed cos i have 1 250 and 2 400hps full lamps reflectors and ball.


Well-Known Member
Man your plants look great, I don't see this water problem, the sprouts are a bit leggy but you know the cure for that right? when you go to repot them into larger pots, simply bury the stems as close to the first set of water leaves as you want, I'm thinking letting them stretch a little in the beginning is a good thing as if they are real low to the soil from the get go, seems to only cause problems in the future, such as watering/feeding.

Keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
day 13 and ive potted on into 2l coke bottles, so i have longer taller pots rather than shorter wider pots, im going to grow small for a sog style grow.
updated pics, 24 hours since potted on into the bottles, and put under 250hps, for now.bottles wed 014.jpg

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Well-Known Member
day 14 they have only been under the 250 for just over a day, and there starting to grow, now, nothing bad has happened yet, so far so good. 6 for 6.
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wed222 005.jpg i know there a bit leggy, they werent that bad yest, im going to bury the stalks and move the lite closer and put the fan inbetween the top of the plants and the lite.


Well-Known Member
same again. even leaf points. this happened with my euphoria grow 2 week 12/12. they also were fem seeds. hope its not a bad sign, the first leafs being even on sted of 3/5/7/9/ect. mine are starting 4 points to the leaf insted of 3 ..
is this a sign of bad genetics, due to them been fem seeds.
does anyone know why this is happening.