StrawberryCoughXDeisel - Max LST micro coco grow!


Well-Known Member
Yeah for now im going to just use grow nutes and try to get some CalMag so I can load it up with N for the rest of its life. We transplanted it into a 2gallon pot tonight. Gave it a nice wet feeding consisting of just CalMag. I usually water twice a day but now with this bigger pot it will probably be once a day or every other day. I usually feed with a medium strength dose of grow nutes. Seems the feeding schedual is okay. Ill get some pics up later tonight or tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
icepik, long time no talk buddy. How ya been? Nice to have ya around..

Here are pictures i just took.

I fked up by topping early. My new goal is to get the tops full of nodes so what im going to do is let the tops grow out and keep tying them down. I want to get atleast 6 more inches of growth around the pot before she goes into flower.


Well-Known Member
Hells yea man. Nice plant bro. Like the cross man. SCXDiesel sounds good man. Actually this whole grow is kinda intriguing.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks man, im pretty stoked on it and I cant wait till she is bigger and bushier. She may need to be flowered outside later on. Stay tuned bro, ill be updating this thread regularly :D


Well-Known Member
its almost 6:00AM and i just walked in VERY drunk. Whole bottle of Jager gone...:(

Loudy, im using Canna Coco. Love this stuff. The strawberry is even bushier. Ill have some pics when I wake up:D


Well-Known Member
They make coco-specific nutes but im using Pura Vida Organics by Technaflora. You want to use CalMag as well. Im not sure what im going to use for flower. Gonna have to do some shoppin


Well-Known Member
yeah its pre-washed and everything. Ready to go. So, does anyone have anythign to say about using worm castings on top of the coco? I hear its super hard to burn with it and it provides alot of N and something else. Im thinking about picking up a bag and some perlite for some clones i have coming in.


Well-Known Member
It sounds delicious! I bet they call it Strawberry because this plant straight up smells like fresh strawberries. I love it!

I love Sativa highs but i dont like the plants to much. Although I find them pretty fun to LST


Well-Known Member
So yeah, Its around day 30. I think im done with the LST. Im gonna veg it out for another week and then throw her ass in flower. Depending on the stretch I might have to tie her down some more. I was looking throug the leaves just now and I found two little beige bugs. Not sure if theyre spidermites, i dont think they are. No webbing. Any idea?

Also, does anyone have any input on using worm castings as a top layer for the coco?

Here are some crap pictures for ya'll:hump:

(sorry couldnt get the right lighting, its not as yellow as it looks.)

