strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

Northern Sensimilla
(Vintage Sensi Star x BCSB Northern Lights 5)

Easy going, extremely chunky plants. Potent and powerful old school smoke. Never fails to put a smile on my face.

I grew out 9 total I think. Honestly hard to pick a keeper. I have 3 different phenos that are going to get another go.

#1 - The tallest, most vigorous plant in the garden. Grew giant red/purple ostrich egg buds. Stinks to high heaven. I can't even explain the smell on these plants. Kinda gassy, but not really gas, and like a funky Vics vapo rub. Menthol?

#2 - Shorter than the #1, medium height plant. Bigger fatter main cola than #1. Very similar smell to the #1. This #2 has a slight edge in potency. Found a small patch of bud rot in the main top but the thing was frickin huge. Definitely would top this one a couple times next go round

#6 - Shorter than the #2, squat plant. Craziest smelling of all to me. Has the stinky funk of the #1 and #2, but also a mint chocolate ice cream smell. Unreal. This plant is a kief monster. My grinder is completely caked in a fine yellow powder every time I grind her. Similar potency to the #1.



Yesterday Hawaiian Peaches went into jars after 13 days hang drying.
I think everything will improve a lot with the cure, but the nugs are crusty, dense, and sticky af. Squish a nug and get strings pulling away. I caught kief from a T shirt screen and it melts like butter.
Rolled a nice j and did the trail, the high was positive and creeper, zoned out to the river bird calls and had nice energy, but not thinking man's weed, couldn't make important decisions (no restaurants with big menus). Enjoyed growing these a lot
Different. My matchups are from the first release of Ethiopian Landrace.

Ethi banana, Spider and Paintbrush are Bodhi’s cuts. Those are all different from the Ethi landrace line he released.

The watermelon I used kicks out 12-14 weekers. Super fun to run outdoors.
Thanks for the correction