Strech problems - 2 weeks into flower



So i'm growing 2 fem TH seeds S.A.G.E.

So I started flowering when it was 30cm, switched to HPS when went to 12/12 and within 3 days it grew extra 35 cm. I switched back to MH to limit the strech, and it has so far (only 30cm in 1.5 weeks). So right now my plants are at 94 cm and I have only another 15 cm for it to grow... it's 2 weeks into flower.

I went to my grow shop and they actually were agains't staying with MH on early flower (what brought me to beleive that they aren't a reliable source of information). They said that LST'ing right now won't work well even if done minorly, they said it will cause stress. Instead, they suggested that I tip the plant 20cm down (what as I know to be HST, what also causes stress). They have no bushmaster and I believe the product isn't available in my country.

So my question is, what would be the best suggestion for me? Let them keep growing as they are? LST'ing them abit or topping?

I would really appreciate the help, thanks.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
plants are going to doublein size during flower.a litle stretch wont hurt a thing as to the light willpeatrate threw to the lower part of the plant.. looking good.


well that's not really helping me with my problem since my plants have more than tripled in size, and from what i know they should be strechting for another week.. meaning x4 the size of when started flowering?

really need help here


Well-Known Member
I would leave it...If you don't mind stressing the plant just top it, as a rule of thumb in my garden..I NEVER TOP,CLONE,PRUNE,PINCH MY PLANTS DURING FLOWERING AND AT LEAST 2 WEEKS LEADING UP TO.....doing so will reduce your yield dramsiticly

you could trying bending your plant over around 30cm up the plant...."pinch" the area you are trying to bend...softly at first and applying more pressure with every pinch...and it will casue a weak spot in the branch and it should lay over....some who pull the tops out away form the light....

If your going to pinch it over...i woul dhave some duct tape and something to make a splint out of incase you have to addminister some frist aid. good luck!


stop feeding them so much nitregon during flower.
I lowered the nitro but probally abit late (like 5 days into flowering from 2.5ml/L to about 1ml/L

I would leave it...If you don't mind stressing the plant just top it, as a rule of thumb in my garden..I NEVER TOP,CLONE,PRUNE,PINCH MY PLANTS DURING FLOWERING AND AT LEAST 2 WEEKS LEADING UP TO.....doing so will reduce your yield dramsiticly

you could trying bending your plant over around 30cm up the plant...."pinch" the area you are trying to bend...softly at first and applying more pressure with every pinch...and it will casue a weak spot in the branch and it should lay over....some who pull the tops out away form the light....

If your going to pinch it over...i woul dhave some duct tape and something to make a splint out of incase you have to addminister some frist aid. good luck!
Well I gave it a slight bend with a string, Is it better to bend with pinching it than bending without a pinch?


Well-Known Member
I've found by not prepping the bend site...aka run more of a risk of breaking the stem. Also there is a certain side of the stem that is naturaly softer than the rest, you can check by pinching... wil also shine more light on the secondary growth


Active Member
It shouldn't stretch too much more, let it do it's thing unless you come to a point where it's too close to the light and the light can't go up no more....even then, just get a piece of string and pull it away from the light and tie it down....that way, you're not bending, pinching, topping or any of that and it won't stress it too much....Plus you'll open up your canopy a little and more light will go down the middle