Stress vs photosynthesis question

So apparently I believe I have a Calcium deficiency that has taken over about the bottom almost half of my largest plant witches Auto big bomb. My question is on the heavily damaged leaves do I leave them as they are or do I remove them with a clean razor? Is it better for them to use what little photosynthesis they have or is it better to remove the leaf so the plant doesn't have to deal with the stress of damage from Calcium deficiency? I will post a picture to give you a better idea thanks for any help 20160811_155019.jpg #omerta


Well-Known Member
So apparently I believe I have a Calcium deficiency that has taken over about the bottom almost half of my largest plant witches Auto big bomb. My question is on the heavily damaged leaves do I leave them as they are or do I remove them with a clean razor? Is it better for them to use what little photosynthesis they have or is it better to remove the leaf so the plant doesn't have to deal with the stress of damage from Calcium deficiency? I will post a picture to give you a better idea thanks for any help View attachment 3755880 #omerta
No need for a razor. Just put your pointer finger up on the top of the stem right where it meets the main, and snap it down and off. Fan leaves come off very clean.
So most def remove the leaves?? I have fed calimagic along with nutes and the have responded well tho there are still damaged leaves. But ikl only remove the ones that are severely damaged or severely small and damaged

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Yes still that. But a lot of times cal issues are from nute lockout from high ph. Not always but a lot of the times.
Well thats the 1st thing i always check. Im just new to auto flowers. My runoff ph is 6.5. Solution mix was 6.3. Nute lockout dont begin till after 7. So cant be that.... Thanks for quick response tho
20160813_182954.jpg 20160813_183010.jpg 20160813_183028.jpg Well here is what they look like now 1st 3 is big bomb. 2nd 3 is dark devil and can see the purple coming in. And last 3 is auto berry recooperating from the break. A couple weeks ago. Tonight my dum ass started pinching and snatching damaged fan leaves instead of removing with a razor and somehow folded the top 1/4 of the auto bomb over. It creased... But when i instantly stood it back up as i called myseld every name in the book.... It stood back up on its own and hasnt fell back over and the leaves havent showed any signs of droopyness or stress.... I prolly fucked up tho...think i may give. Little superthrive