Stretch on BBBC.


First time i'e grown this strain, anyone know how much these ladies stretch? I was informed they don't stretch much, but mine have already doubled in size already and still haven't finished. They were 48 inches yesterday, they are now at 52 today. Am going to be running out of room shortly:roll:

These are them after 5 days of 12/12DSC00263.JPGDSC00265.JPGDSC00270.JPGDSC00283.JPG


New Member
hey dude im just finishing these up they stretched for me too and a hel of alot! just bend em over and tie down it worked a treat for me bbbc is the best strain ive grown so far!


Hi mate

Thanks very much for taking a look, much appreciated. I can't believe the stretch on them so far . Did yours take the 10 weeks to flower?


Well-Known Member
I recently finished growing bbbc and it was a hell of a stretcher, my tent is only 5' high and the plant ended up at about 4 and a bit feet even though I flowered it when it was about 10 inches high, the best advice I can give you is bend those tops somehow, or criss cross them in the tent to reduce the height slightly.


She's a nightmare, my own fault really, i vegged them for 5 and half weeks, think they were 24 inches going into flower, like you said, looks like a lot of bending and tying is needed. Thanks for the input mate.