Stretched Beyond Belief? Outdoor 09


Active Member
Haha welcome blades. Long time smoker, first time grower:smoking:

Ok so what we have here is a plant that went in about a month and a half ago
brick is in picture for scale

The other two plants are fine...they are about two weeks old.

Potting soil with lime
no nutes
Watered once a week

I was thrilled to see bud forming on this lady, I thought she would never produce...
Obviously the plant isn't thriving...I need a spot with more light.
What are some suggestions on salvaging this plant?
All is not lost, we have more plants and an indoor starting up :)
Like I said, there is bud forming on her and I was curious as to how much I might be able to salvage?

I think the problem is the lack of light in its normal area...
what do you guys think about using nutes too?



New Member
yeah more light and some nutes, the stem looks a bit thin. But a nice grow man. Nice trampoline in the back LMAO


Well-Known Member
is that a dude? Take a close look up under that there skirt......and arn't mid seeds mexican sativas that just get tall with popcorns up the side and one main cola anyways? Anyways good luck with them. Great hobby, imagine if it were in the mainstream marketplace. Economy, Saved. Shit regan had the computer, clinton had the www, gwbush got hosed with national security. So lets make this thing right. Alot folks on here got payable and taxable skills. I thin that any festval with public trans would be a huge moneymaker. Huge, after legalization. Just all the startups will boost economy. And the ones that stick around can become giants and employ tons of folks. Just make laws for minors alot stricter. And given to a minor should be super bad. However i am not sure if i would have said the same thing at 16. Pretty much it needs to stay away from kids so they have a safe drug, we can't make it too uncool for the next gens.


Active Member
haha, u got shit luck, get some 20-20-20 mircle gro n start feedin then that, when they start flowern get mircle gro ultra bloom 15-30-15 n feed them that untill there near done grown then olny feed them water for 2 weeks befour u cut em down , good luck son


Well-Known Member
MG nutes really!!??? IS there a local hydro store or a nursery that you can goto? Stay away from Mirical Grow nutes trust me....