Strip build trouble shooting help needed


Active Member
I’m working on a 5 plc strip build using a meanwell hlg-240h-c1750b with the strips wired in a series, positive on far left strip runs to driver positive and negative on far left strip runs to the next led strips positive and so forth until last strip on far right and that strips negative runs to driver negative. For some strange reason I’m having issues. I built the frame and made sure everything was wired correctly then tested all the wiring for the lights using a continuity test and ohm, everything passed. I also checked the voltage from the driver before plugging it in and the multimeter says 143v just as stated on the driver, I plug the light in and the meter goes to zero. I then removed the dimmer from the driver and tested again. The same exact thing happened, 143v at driver before plugging in the light then zero after hooking it up. I then took everything apart and examined the wires checking for shorts but couldn’t find anything so I reran all new wire just to be sure. I tested everything again and had the same exact results. I’m assuming one of the strips has an issue or the driver just shuts off for some reason when a load is on it. I want to test each strip individually but I’m not sure if I can use the 240h driver or not. I thought about reinstalling the dimmer and dimming it down really low and only testing each strip for a few seconds but I’m not sure if this is safe. I did reinstall the dimmer to check and see if the dc voltage changes when used but regardless if it’s off, low, medium or high I still get 143v on the meter. Any help would be appreciated for what I should try next or info regarding how to test each strip. Thanks!
I’m working on a 5 plc strip build using a meanwell hlg-240h-c1750b with the strips wired in a series, positive on far left strip runs to driver positive and negative on far left strip runs to the next led strips positive and so forth until last strip on far right and that strips negative runs to driver negative. For some strange reason I’m having issues. I built the frame and made sure everything was wired correctly then tested all the wiring for the lights using a continuity test and ohm, everything passed. I also checked the voltage from the driver before plugging it in and the multimeter says 143v just as stated on the driver, I plug the light in and the meter goes to zero. I then removed the dimmer from the driver and tested again. The same exact thing happened, 143v at driver before plugging in the light then zero after hooking it up. I then took everything apart and examined the wires checking for shorts but couldn’t find anything so I reran all new wire just to be sure. I tested everything again and had the same exact results. I’m assuming one of the strips has an issue or the driver just shuts off for some reason when a load is on it. I want to test each strip individually but I’m not sure if I can use the 240h driver or not. I thought about reinstalling the dimmer and dimming it down really low and only testing each strip for a few seconds but I’m not sure if this is safe. I did reinstall the dimmer to check and see if the dc voltage changes when used but regardless if it’s off, low, medium or high I still get 143v on the meter. Any help would be appreciated for what I should try next or info regarding how to test each strip. Thanks!

What model strips are you using? That will help us figure it out.
It seems like they should work fine looking at the specs.

Not sure what the low end of voltage for that driver is, but guessing will be too much for a single strip.

One suggestion I have for testing the strips individually... If you can find a 24v 1.5a wall wart you could just attach it to a screw-in barrel jack connector. Something like this. I made this as a prototype light for a friends 12v solar battery setup using an influx s02 strip.
Sorry for not responding guys I had a busy day, I’m using the lm301h/Cree strips, pretty much everything is the same as the Samsung strip linked above. Does anyone know if the dc voltage will change on a multimeter while testing and using the dimmer knob at the same time? I was afraid I was going to have to buy something to test each individual strip lol. I do like the idea of testing 4 strips at a time using the 240h and will try that tomorrow.
Pictures will help.
Check the strips for a short...with it all wired up...not just continuity from strip to strip.
I did check continuity with everything wired up and everything passes, that’s what really has me puzzled. It’s just like once the driver gets a load on it for some reason it shuts off
"I also checked the voltage from the driver before plugging it in and the multimeter says 143v just as stated on the driver, I plug the light in and the meter goes to zero. "

I dont quite get this: you check the voltage from the driver, while the driver is connected to mains AC? Is that right?

I plug the light in: so you attach the driver to the driver, which is turned on? Or off? And then try to to turn on the driver?

If you get it to work with 4 strips you know the problem, the driver most likely dont ahve enough voltage for 5 strips (even though from reading plc strip info seems like it should)
"I also checked the voltage from the driver before plugging it in and the multimeter says 143v just as stated on the driver, I plug the light in and the meter goes to zero. "

I dont quite get this: you check the voltage from the driver, while the driver is connected to mains AC? Is that right?

I plug the light in: so you attach the driver to the driver, which is turned on? Or off? And then try to to turn on the driver?

If you get it to work with 4 strips you know the problem, the driver most likely dont ahve enough voltage for 5 strips (even though from reading plc strip info seems like it should)
My multimeter allows me to check dc and ac voltage. I checked the connection on the driver where the ac plug attaches and it’s 120v ac which is correct. I then switched my multimeter to check the dc voltage where you attach the lights and it’s reading 143v dc and that’s correct according to what’s stated on the driver. This is after I plug the driver into the wall. Everything passes and is safe to attach the lights, I unplug the driver from the wall and attach the lights, plug it back into the wall and check the dc voltage and it says Zero volts.

Does adjusting the dimmer knob change the dc voltage or is it always at a constant 143v regardless of what the dimmer is set on?
My multimeter allows me to check dc and ac voltage. I checked the connection on the driver where the ac plug attaches and it’s 120v ac which is correct. I then switched my multimeter to check the dc voltage where you attach the lights and it’s reading 143v dc and that’s correct according to what’s stated on the driver. This is after I plug the driver into the wall. Everything passes and is safe to attach the lights, I unplug the driver from the wall and attach the lights, plug it back into the wall and check the dc voltage and it says Zero volts.

Does adjusting the dimmer knob change the dc voltage or is it always at a constant 143v regardless of what the dimmer is set on?
Dimmer wont change voltage. What happened with 4 strips only?