Strongest purple strain available?

yeah but thats just the leafs turning purple not the buds, a true purple strain will turn purple no matter what the temp. i have a strain that buds turn purple as soon as they come out. not real sure what it is, it was a gift and i was told it was the "purps" stableized (spelling) with white rino..
yeah but thats just the leafs turning purple not the buds, a true purple strain will turn purple no matter what the temp. i have a strain that buds turn purple as soon as they come out. not real sure what it is, it was a gift and i was told it was the "purps" stableized (spelling) with white rino..
those are calyxs turning purple my friend not the luk.
i go for yield and potentsy and narrow it down.color is cool but not a necessity.smell and taste are more important nex to potency.
that sounds lame >_<

mite sound "LAME" but its the truth ppl like things that look diffrent..and like to "show off" there purple pot to there pals(makes them feel BIG:roll:)..breeding the purple color in to a already potent plant is not has hard as one may think..but some pot snobs dont like the taste or smell of purple,that to could be changed too,but we're talking about alot of time and space here:eyesmoke:
No shit, seeing purple fucking weed is cool and if you have the room to grow alongside your widow or stonger strains why not? I just got some purple pineberry and cant wait. If its not that strong I can breed with widow or persian to see how it comes out
i've never smoked any strong purple, always been in the 5-7 range on a scale of one to ten...purple erkle was the strongest, i guess, but if your customers have a stronger alternative it'll probably be a one time purchase, they'll taste it and then ask for the stronger...
my opinoin anyways
jus to pass a good word bcseedking jus released purple kush fems,which was clone only strain has been feminized,and they give me 5 fems to do test gro and journal and they all popped ,5 in all.i'll post on them as i go.i am harvesting some purple godbud presently,all baseball size avg.rdr