Struggling to post properly/ Proxy use


Hi, New here and thought I'd use one of the free proxies such as from to give me a bit of anonimity online but I'm struggling to post properly. I like to space out my sentences like paragraphs to make things nicer to read but all my text is getting lumped into a single wall of words(as you'll no doubt see with this post!). Other people don't seem to have the same problem and I was hoping for some pointers on what I'm doing wrong. I am from a country where even medicinal use is frowned upon, which is why I thought I'd try using a proxy( never used one before). Do I need to be concerned about privacy when using the RIU forums or is it safe to do so without a proxy? I also tried TOR after reading about it on here, but it doesn't allow me to stay logged in when I change pages and won't allow me to post at all! Any help would be appreciated :D


Not sure what I'm doing wrong with TOR then, I just grabbed the bundle with FireFox and it loaded automatically. I just run it with it's default settings, did you change anything to get it running ok? I just tried it again and as soon as I change page I get logged out... Still no joy with all my text getting lumped together when I post either :s


I may have it sorted through TOR.

If I tick the remember me box when I log in it allows me to change pages without getting logged off.

It also seems to allow me to post replies, though does it differently to the proxies, by opening up quick reply.

Also seems to let me space out my posts properly :D

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Not sure what I'm doing wrong with TOR then, I just grabbed the bundle with FireFox and it loaded automatically. I just run it with it's default settings, did you change anything to get it running ok? I just tried it again and as soon as I change page I get logged out... Still no joy with all my text getting lumped together when I post either :s
I didn't change any settings or anything but as soon as I connect to the web, it kicks in. once in awhile it gets refused though. not sure why. but I never had the problems you seem to be having, I use internet explorer though.


Thanks for the info.

I seem to have it working through TOR now, so long as I tick the 'remember me' box when I log in.

I can now post replies and space things out properly.

It works, so I won't mess with it any more as I'm not too sure what I'm doing lol :D