Student Arrested After Smoking Joint During Pro-Pot Essay At School


Active Member
I searched on here and didn't see this so I thought that I would share with you all, I am almost done reading this kids essay and OMG!! It is AMAZING, very very long but hey, it's high school and they have to be long, kid def did his research.

and his essay, I suggest loading a bowl and just read.

Enjoy ppls.

Glad to see that this is getting alot of hits, **wondering if anyone has read the essay** I read it very worth while, even the article is good.


Well-Known Member
Message: A+
Content: B-
Showmanship: A++

I'm a huge literary geek so I have to point out the countless misused words and portions that show signs of plagiarism as they do not fit with the literary style of the rest of the speech.

That aside, this kind of social protest is going to become rampant (or so I hope). It's really the only way we'll ever get action from the federal government.

Which reminds me that he forgot to bring up the Tenth Amendment.
The Tenth Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ”
Wikipedia entry on the 10th Amendment

Oh you silly states you can legalize marihuana but we, the federal gov't, (dis)respectfully retain the right to call it illegal.

Here's the problem: The 10th Amendment seems to pretty clearly say that, unless otherwise delegated by the Constitution, all power resides with the states. Let's say a state declares cannabis legal (California anyone?). The federal government has no Constitutional power to contradict this state law.

So how do they get away with it?
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]The Commerce Clause[/SIZE][/FONT]

“ The Congress shall have Power...To regulate Commerce with Foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes.”

Congress and the Courts have used this little sucker to declare that Sally MMJ Grower, who obviously only grows for her personal use, could affect interstate commerce. Her crippled ass is going to sell her crop to citizens in other states and provide a legal source to an otherwise illegal substance in that state. Let's be clear, she didn't actually do this...but you know, she could. So we'll throw her in prison. FOR GREAT JUSTICE.

If you think the above example sounds like fiction, here's another Wikipedia link for you:
Gonzales v. Raich

:cuss:Our Supreme Court upheld charges against a California medical maríjuana patient based on the assumption that it is possible she could sell her medicine to parties in states where it is illegal.:cuss:

Did she? Of course not, but that doesn't matter - the Court had political reasons to uphold the Federal Government's illegal basis for the War on Drugs. They wouldn't want to look silly now, would they?


Well-Known Member
Thats funny, were having this same debate today during my English class..

Dontcopnone: good post, alot of good info


Active Member
not to be critical, this kid is rad, but anyone else note the quote at the end attributed to bob marley is actually from a peter tosh song?


Active Member
i agree with dontcopnone, the part that was weirdest to me was

"To study 182 of 5 ¼ million accidents, .0034%, and make apocryphal claims based on that research shows ineptitude beyond that of any man disposed to devout his life to a hierarchy of pious infidels who understand nothing of the nature and complexity of life."

Also the quote at the end he attributed to Bob Marley is from a Peter Tosh song, although that wasn't the only misinformation that stood out.

However, much respect for this kid, it took a lot of balls to back up his convictions and do that. Plus when I was in high school I only knew about 25% of that information. It took getting arrested in college to get me into wanting to know everything about pot and that led to growing. And I hadn't heard about Franklin growing his own after meeting with Turkish emissaries.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Just finished reading it... I loved it.
For those of you who have seen The Union: The Business of Getting High, he basically covers everything in that documentary.
Here is a link for those of you who have not seen it... by far one of the most informative documentaries I have seen
The Union

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
that kid is cool as fuck, reminds me of what I was like in Highschool, willing and ready to support my love of weed, but shit I wasnt that radical! this kid is legit, he was willing to be expelled from school!


Active Member
not to be critical, this kid is rad, but anyone else note the quote at the end attributed to bob marley is actually from a peter tosh song?
lol yeah i noticed, perhaps marley said it too?

either way, you can't deny that the speach was put together very professionally. he managed to reach out to EVERY kind of reader in a different way, i doubt he was on the reefer when he wrote this haha

what an awsome dude, and everything he said is totally true, makes me angry at the gov't just being reminded of these facts eh?
peace :peace:


Active Member
Super High Me also another good Video to's by a comedian....not sure who has seen it or not but this guy doesn't smoke for 30 days...then he smokes for 30 days...takes all these tests and stuff..pretty interesting..


Well-Known Member
Super High Me also another good Video to's by a comedian....not sure who has seen it or not but this guy doesn't smoke for 30 days...then he smokes for 30 days...takes all these tests and stuff..pretty interesting..
and before smoking for 30 days straight all day, he hypothesized that he would be sick and tired of it and probably not smoke for a while, however, at the end, he was on the day after day 30, and he woke up and smoked a fatty joint and called his friend, he didnt stop smoking after that like he thought. and now he actually weighs like 50 lbs more than he did in the movie LOL.