In the last 10 years, we have employed a large number of college "interns" to assist us in the summer. I am completely at a loss as to why there are so many, going into debt for an occupation that will only bring instant struggle as soon as they are thrown into the job market. The costs of obtaining thses degrees are so distant from the potential they encompass that the student will more than likely never get the damn thing paid off. Piss on degrees and get liscensed in a few crafts, hell, I have never been without work. I see thousands, with a degree, starving to death daily and they just keep driving down the same &(%&^% road expecting different results, madness in the least. I cannot count how many jobs in the field I have chosen that have been posted into my e-mail this week alone. From coast to coast, any state I choose. Yet idiots still sit there and would rather starve to death than break a sweat, I say let em. Work is out there, just have to ditch that "pussy" mentality and go to work. Peace Asmallvoice