Stuff (Bull-Shit) in the news today...


Well-Known Member
Well hi everyone, I was re-watching the national this morning online and the broke someting totally new: pot makes you mad - scary!

so i would ask everyone to go to this link Marijuana may increase risk of psychosis: study and then to the feedback button in the top right hand corner and send those fulls a mail to fuck off and don't pick up any bullshit they find and then even air it without fact-check.

...the lancet, a medical journal from GB, isn't a bad journal normally but even they took the writen version of the net and only left a pot-cast up so no one can read it up and give them hack for it.

we should remind them back to this news aired 2002 Legalize pot smoking, senators say - Pot and Politics: Canada and the Marijuana Debate - CBC Archives


Well-Known Member
still we should give them a head-wash on this one, hack they have to know it better then this to buy such "prohibitionist" bull over and over again. the CBC did some research themselves to this issue in the 70's figuring that it is even harmless compared to alcohol.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Psychocis will only be pronned to ones who will sue chemicals and hards drugs such as speed, meth, heroine and Extasy. my friend was totally normal at the begginigng of this month as he started using KETAMINE and SPEED with alcohol. he became very paranoid and he threw stuff at the walls from time to time. he has hallucinations now... he smoked 4 years straight everyday. and this has NEVER happened. WEED DOES NOT INCREASE CHANCES OF PSYCHOSIS unless your full blown schitzo.


The Gardener
if you have phychosis its you family genes great grand parents or what ever they say the weed greatens the chances of that deforming in you too
plus in the uk and ireland in particilar the suiside rate is massive in young people and the weeds playing a big part in it tho the weed in the UK and ireland has all sorts of shit in it like anti depressing tables and what ever its more likely the shit that its being mixed with thats causing these problems

But if u abuse any thing its going to fuck you up Beer, ciggys . exc,


Just some idiot
I sent them an email with a ton of links. I have a bad temper when I do get angry, weed calms me down so much when I start to lose my cool.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it is bad overall or not. But I know that if I've gone a month or more without smoking then do, I am surprised at how much calmer and peaceful I feel for days after. It's strange but I have the same routine a lot of days so I know how I felt days before in situations and I would bet that I can handle them better emotionally if I smoked recently than if I had not. I'm not talking about being stoned at the time, I'm talking about a residual positive effect psychologically. It's no fluke.


Well-Known Member
i see i see, its one of these days again were no one wants to fight back the bull in the media...

We can't fight back, but we can give them a piece of our rational gentle mind, and make a stand, but no fighting....thatd be PSYCHOTIC. (j/k bout it being psychotic) If we were to send them feedback, showing emotions of anger, it will just make them belive the stupid article even more.


New Member
no offence, but studies DO show that there are certain people who should not smoke weed. It's not unreasonable to think that some people react in adverse ways to a normally benign drug.

Weed can effect some people with schitzo-effective disorders negatively. Everyone gets a small taste of the potential dangers when they experience the paranoia effect of very potent strains.

Not everyone can drink alcohol. not everyone can have caffeine. Not everyone can smoke weed.