Stumps & mrgreenlungz Multi-patient Medical Grow 2010


Well-Known Member
sorry you guys iI'm not trying to take away from your post its just your outdoor and I'm indoor done with alot of the same techniques. man and now i want to do an outdoor


Active Member
ok you bud porn freaks here's my shitty attempt at macros im only using a cheap sony point and shoot so don't expect much (not to mention i am no photographer)... more to come soon





Active Member
Those look great. Pain relief on the way. What do you have planned for all them trimmings your gonna have?
Cant say yet, but we have something cool in store I think :D we will be getting pics up soon lots going on lots to still do. Oh, how I love harvest time. Making brownies with popcorn buds today just to have something to do.


Active Member
I promise you guys, we have not forgot about the thread. Here's a little bud porn to wet the appetite

More to come soon!!! (and none of those are the biggest cola hehe).



Active Member
1st off, I owe all you you subbed a huge apology. Life is a million miles an hour for me right now. Also, I've been pretty stoned for most of the ride.

I hope this detailed post makes up for my absence. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics from Stump's. Trimming was interesting to say the least, no way my neighbors don't know by now but no problems whatsoever.

I'll start with my least favorite and work my way up to my favorite.


Active Member
She was a fem seed I got free from Attitude and did very. 2nd heaviest producer with a mid grade commercial high. Taste was sour but clean. Absolutely suitable for commercial use. She gave me lots MASSIVE Colas. Dense, not the densest bud I wound up with. The strain name links you to it's spot on Attitude's website.

Sweet Deep Grapefruit
DSC05432 A.jpg Macro(ish)
DSC05416.jpg A gram cured for density size reference
DSC05417.jpg The biggest bud (had to cut her down to get in jar.
DSC05419.jpg :mrgreen:
DSC05413.jpg The whole plant.
DSC05438.jpg In 1/2 gal masons


Active Member
Cloud 9 is another free seed I got from Attitude. The densest bud (or a close 2nd) and she smells a bit cheesy. Mellow smoke almost pure head high. Could have went a week or so more but still a great high.

Cloud 9
DSC05409 A.jpg