Stunned Seedling


New Member
Popped This Little Lady Along With 30 Other Seeds From Ethos Genetics On November 12th This Seedling Was Actually The First Too Sprout But Completely Stopped Growing & All Other Seedlings Are Boosting In Growth

Im Using Mother Earth Coco With Perlite Mix.. I Added Down Too Earth Bat Guano, Alfalfa Meal & Also Some Terp Tea Veg Bag Mixture Since It's Got A Little Bit Of Everything.. Didn't Add Much Too The Soil So Wondering What Could've Happened Too The Seedling? Save It Or Chunk It?? ( Forgot Too Add That I Planted Them In Coco Pods And Transplanted After 3 Days Of Sprouting)



New Member
I Use Too Always Use Ocean Forest & Happy Frog For Years But Decided One Run Too Try Out Different Soils & Personally Mother Earth Coco Soil Was My Favorite Been Using It Since.. I Also Use Canna Coco Nutritions