Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

Is it ever too much suspicion about a politician showboating?

I think Bookers knows full well this fight is over and is simply placing his chess pieces for future play.
It's not a deal breaker to me. I'm not going to be influenced by it to vote for him either. There are many other verifiable facts about Booker that give me pause about him. This seems just fluff to me.
The person most Americans wanted
Yeah. It happens. She must be upset. You buy her book? Now she's forced to suck it up, give speeches, make a pile of money, sleep in, drink Chardonnay and basically enjoy the hell out of her golden years. In my book, that's called winning.
Yeah. It happens. She must be upset. You buy her book? Now she's forced to suck it up, give speeches, make a pile of money, sleep in, drink Chardonnay and basically enjoy the hell out of her golden years. In my book, that's called winning.
You think you’re winning because an obese septuagenarian with a bad combover called nazis like you “very fine people” and said he loves the uneducated

The rest of us are seeing children locked in cages and a wannabe dictator stealing our tax dollars so his security detail can rent his golf carts

We hate it
You think you’re winning because an obese septuagenarian with a bad combover called nazis like you “very fine people” and said he loves the uneducated

The rest of us are seeing children locked in cages and a wannabe dictator stealing our tax dollars so his security detail can rent his golf carts

We hate it
I didn't vote dummy. I know how important it is to you that anyone who opposes you is a racist Trump supporter. You need that narrative to be true. But today you proved you are racist af. And nobody bats an eye.

I didn't vote dummy. I know how important it is to you that anyone who opposes you is a racist Trump supporter. You need that narrative to be true. But today you proved you are racist af. And nobody bats an eye.

Trump is your hero

You worship a pedophile
What consequence would you face for felony perjury?

before or after being nommed by an 'unindicted co-conspirator' felon in yet a completely different matter?

Harris at her best..when kavanaugh was trying to 'think' if he even knew someone at kasowitz' can hear someone in the background laugh out loud.
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