Stunted 2 and a half week old white widow seedling. Please help!


New Member
I have a white widow seedling about 2 and a half weeks old. It's been severely stunted and slow growing the whole time I had it. It started out with droopy leaves and I thought it was overwatered which it probably was. But aside from it being severely stunted and leaves still droopy (and I've been letting the soil dry out between watering btw) but a single brown spot started on the middle of the first true set and worked its way to the outside of the leaves til they fell off now it's doing it to the second set. Ill post pics of when the first set was affected and then the second set and I'm beginning to see itty bitty spots starting on a couple other leaves. It's like some fucked up disease. I'm not sure someone please help me


Well-Known Member
You should get the seedling out of that terrible soil its in and put it in a nice quality coco mix, after about 2 weeks feed it hydro veg nutes. The soil is the issue. along with overwatering.


Well-Known Member
^^Yup, what BUDS said about your soil. You need to germinate in something that has very little nutrient. There are soil mixes specifically made for germinating and this is what you want to use for first two weeks of their lives.


New Member
DSC_7221.jpgHi experienced stoner, newbie farmer here! this is my second attempt at growing happiness! i burnt the first attempt with neuts! forgive me!
This right here is the second attempt 1 week after germination! small pot (250 ml) (its a bag seed)
what is wrong with it???
i have 3 cfl bulbs about 4 inches away
no over-watering, i made sure!
1 cotyledon leaf dried out in 2 days
the second started drying but slowly!
my room is warm, but i live on the 16th floor(is that a problem?)
NOTE: IT TOO ABOUT 2-3 WEEKS FOR THE SEED TO GERMINATE (6 seeds, only this one succeeded)

can any happy fellow help me understand what i'm doing wrong? or is my plant just misbehaving?