Stunted growth


Well-Known Member
2 weeks flowering plant has not shown any new growth, anyone know what could have cause this and how to fix it?


Well-Known Member
I think that the plant has stopped stretching. It's now about to start concentrating all of its energy on flower production.

Just a tip, your plant is going to look done for about 2 weeks before it is.

Plan on 8 weeks before chop.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
First guess with out pics is you have a sativa. Sativa's go slower and longer.....just wait.


Well-Known Member
Its probably a PH issue. PH the Run off.

Whats the PH?

Whats the Temp at the top of plant?

What PPM of Nutes are you adding?


Well-Known Member
Not adding nutes anymore temp is like 85 degrees, this is a 7-1-12 of budding nutes called sns 604b
it's .7-.1-.12. it doesn't look like it's got any micro's. what medium are you using? also, flushing is a one time quick fix when you added way too much of something, continuous flushing will definitely cause root issues at the very least.


Well-Known Member
I'm not actually flushing I'm just using regular water for the past week and a half I'm using soil with compost, I water once every 5 days about 1 normal water bottle full 21 fl oz. Someone had told me it's a nut lockout. Dunno but growth is stunted looked the same for almost 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
what size pots are your plants in and how big are they?
what was your feeding schedual like before you started having problems?


Active Member
I think its your nutes.7-1-12 seems like too much N&K and not enough P.
Clawing of leaves confirms too much N,which in turn is locking out K,brown curly leaf tips.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I think its your nutes.7-1-12 seems like too much N&K and not enough P.
Clawing of leaves confirms too much N,which in turn is locking out K,brown curly leaf tips.
Just my opinion.
I'd have to agree with this, also that it's not a complete nutrient so if your not getting micros from the soil mix then there's going to be problems.
also was trying to find out if there was something off with the mix or pot size.


Well-Known Member
5 gallon pot and mix is regular soil with a compost mix, feeding schedule was every other water I watered with nutes. About the N lockout any way to cure or am I screwed? Everything robro said is true


Well-Known Member
backyard soil? is your soil mix buffered at all? does it have any nutrients added other than compost? I would prob recommend using a complete fert like dyna grow fp at low lvls to see if it bounces back. do you have any pics?


Well-Known Member
It's regular Potting soil from the store and nothing besides compost, the only pics are on first page if needed can get more


Well-Known Member
It's regular Potting soil from the store and nothing besides compost, the only pics are on first page if needed can get more
sorry i missed those lol. it looks like they got too much fert then were starved for a bit. I would just feed at lower lvls with a complete fert.


Well-Known Member
If you dont get your PH in range, it won't matter how much of any nutes you add. The plant won't absorb nutes if the PH is out of range. Get a meter and test the run off. pH of the soil should be between 6.5 and 7.0. Flushing with tap water like was said in an earlier post isn't going to fix the PH.