stunted growth?


New Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg I have a white widow plant that I planted about 2 weeks ago, I had it growing inside for about 3 days and it didnt sprout at all, so I decide to let the sun do its thing and I put my plant in the sun for a few days (about 2-3) and what do you know, she sprouted! I decided to bring her back inside under my 225w led... anyways, I found out the soil I was using (organic miracle grow) would become increaslingly deadly to my plant so I bought some fox farm- I transplanted my plant into the new soil and she's still green, but no new growth and it's been almost a week and a half since things have changed? I'll post some pictures so you can see and enlighten me on the issue. :)
side note: 18/6 light schedule - also have another plants thats been growing inside from the start and is sprouting well.


Well-Known Member
yeah if that pictires at 2 weeks thats pretty bad. are you giving it to much water that could be the problem.