Stunted plant, what should I do?


Hey everyone, Im posting this because I think I may have stunted my 17 day old Blueberry Indica by overfeeding during seedling stage.

Under 4 6500k CFLs, just transplanted into a 1gal container of FFOF 4 days ago. I'm using FF line of soil nutes, although I haven't started her on anything yet, just distilled water and occasionally some Calmag, pretty healthy minus the slow growth.

Is there anything I can do to make up for lost time? Like any tricks or hidden gems for dealing with stunted plants? I was thinking raise the lights so it stretches, but that won't necessarily give additional foliage growth. Anything else I can do besides wait?


Well-Known Member
no tricks just time, And id be really careful with the calmag FFOF usually keeps enought nutes to last up to 3 weeks to a month.


Well-Known Member
let her dry out and get some air in those roots so they dont rot and you should be fine my friend, Happy Growing! :)


let her dry out and get some air in those roots so they dont rot and you should be fine my friend, Happy Growing! :)
Done and done, just seeing if there is anything else I can do. Thanks for your input!

seedlings don't need fertilizer...bad gardener:(
Try reading again there dannyboy, I haven't started her on fertilizer yet, overfed as in overwatered.. this strain is sensitive to overwatering and light intensity. Thanks for taking the time to actually read my post :wall: