Stunted Tahoe OG

Mr John

Active Member
Hey all,

My second batch growing and running into an issue not experienced before. My Tahoe OG is a runt, as in stunted and hardly growing at all. I have a Silver surfer haze growing next to it that is double its size.

They are in my E/F hydro garden, PH is 5.5 - 6.0, humidity is 40% and temps run 70-80 degrees. I have them on an 18-6 light schedule. PPM;s are low 500's,

Has anyone run this strain before and had slow growth issues??


Well-Known Member
One type is nearly 100% sativa and the other is almost 100% indica and your expecting them to grow at the same rate? I sure hope you don't expect them to finish flowering at the same time. The Tahoe OG is indica.

Mr John

Active Member
One type is nearly 100% sativa and the other is almost 100% indica and your expecting them to grow at the same rate? I sure hope you don't expect them to finish flowering at the same time. The Tahoe OG is indica.
Thanks for the reply Hex,

I understand what you are saying and no I do not expect them to grow at the same rate but I am not seeing any new growth at all from the OG, I think I should see some at least. Two weeks have passed by and no new growth. I will post a picture or two shortly. Ok pictures posted, the Haze is on left and the OG on right.


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Well-Known Member
They look healthy. See if raising PPM has any effect. What is that in the back? A pepper plant of some kind?

Mr John

Active Member
They look healthy. See if raising PPM has any effect. What is that in the back? A pepper plant of some kind?
Ok will do on the PPM, oh yea that is another passion of mine is growing hot peppers! It is a Fatili pepper, crazy hot.

Thanks again Hex, ill just relax feed her some more and be patient with the indica!


Well-Known Member
I love peppers too, a few weeks ago I put 20-30 bhut jolokia in a papper towel and only got one to sprout. Going to try some other bhut jolokia seeds i have that are from USA and not India.

Mr John

Active Member
Oh boy that pepper is so damn hot! that sucks on the germination rate, I have seeds that are 3 years old and not sprouting at all. I am sure that they are prolly goners and I should just order fresh ones. Are you BJ seeds fresh? Should have a much higher rate than what you got