Stunting flowering plant?


Active Member
A friend of mine is about 3 wks into flowering and his plant is getting too high for his box. Is there a way to stunt it's growth without stressing the hell out of it? Can the main cola be tied down to the stem at a right angle or something? Or will that really piss the plant off? Is there a good solution to this problem? His box is 33inches high and he started flowering the damn plant @ 8inches. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hmmm this is going to be a shitty responce but can he build a bigger box or is space limited / is the box excessivly complex with fans and ducts and what not which would make him not want to re make it. if this isn't an options i have heard that bushmaster sells nutes that help to stunt the plants vertical growth but beyond that im not really sure


Active Member
The space he has is the space he is dead set on using. Any bigger ruins the stealth, he'd have to take it out of his closet. I don't know what he's gonna do if there's no way to stunt it. Re-positioning the lights might work, but is it gonna be okay if the CFLs are on the sides instead of the top? Will he have to rotate the plant or something? and the bulbs are only taking up like the top 4 inches of the box, what if she out-grows that?


Active Member
He's using scott's potting soil that already has nutes in it. Feeds plants 4 mnths it says. He got it befor reading that it might make the nugs taste chemmy. Can he still use these "Bushmaster" nutes ya think?


Well-Known Member
hmmm. well first off shitty choice on soil but nothing can be done about that now. if its already pre nuted adding more nutes is a toss up. theirs no way to tell whats already in the soil and he definitly runs the real risk of burning the hell out of his plant. so yeah if it out grows the box then you will either need to bend it which will stress it cut it off which will stress it and you lose the top kholla and risk a hermy rebuild the box which takes time effort and ruins his stealthy grow. so its all about weighing the pros and cons of each option. re positioning the cfls isn't a bad choice but like you said thats only an extra 4 inchs so im not sure what else i can say those are the 3 options i see here. another option is knocking the bottom out of the box and raising it as needed it will make for good ventilation but increas the smell and again ruin the stealth


Active Member
Damn! Knocking the bottom out just might work, if not for only another couple inches. He's got it set on this short table with all the electrical stuff underneath. Maybe he can re-position the electrical stuff and knock the bottom out. The tables only like 5 inches tall tho. Depending on how much more growth there is, he may wind up still having to at least bend it. Thanx for the good idea tho! I wish I could figure out where these "scales" are so I could give you some rep. I know where their supposed to be,
i just don't see them.


Well-Known Member
its all good i give my advice for free lol, add me on your friends i like helping out new growers and would be interested to see how this works out


Well-Known Member
tell "your freind" to read up on training" wil not only keep plant from geting to tall but will increase yeild really not wat to stunt growth with out stressing he could usin a topping technique althoguh he needs to check age of plant to assure its not to early or late but sound slike its to late as you need to do it in vegging and then again in flowering he could aslo do a few other things tht will give him a bushy plant but i would persoanly stick with training its makes for a cool plant with more then one main cola


Well-Known Member
i just re read your first post after moose mentioned to late or to soon for toping and realised its in its 3rd week of flowering and he started it at 8 inchs and its already outgrowing the 33 inch box - 4 inchs for light 29 inchs. so it grew 15-16 + inchs in 3 weeks he needs to move the light closer or somthing damn


Well-Known Member
mving lights will not stunt growth that will burn the plant ding dong lol good thought though


Well-Known Member
good post moose real constructive, how ever the act of " moving " a light will not burn your plant if you move it to close it will burn but just rearranging the set up will not. he wanted to move the lights to the side alowing for the extra 4 inchs up top. so basicly what im trying to say here is think befor you post its hard i know but try it some time


Well-Known Member
now i know dont be so hasty to be nasty i try to give every one the beinfit of the doubt before i go feet first fdown their throught jsut some food for thought dancer


Well-Known Member
someone asked a question and you called him a dingdong when you infact were the ass so yes i jumped down your throat and will continue to do so for as long as you keep acting like an ass. i said think befor you post forgot to mention that reading the previous posts also helps because he definitly said move them to the side


Active Member
He's L.s.t. and topping his other plants. this was just his first one and it's gotten un-ruly. First seed was female and he's been learning as he goes.


Well-Known Member
Before you go tearing shit up, see if you can coil the plant. It's an idea, I haven't done it. but put the plant in the corner of the box, and try to gently coil it around the sides, this should give you another 12 inches of height (room to grow) and it'll be close but maybe doable.


Well-Known Member
lok now your trying to put some who dont give a fuck in thier place im jsut messing around if you ree read my comment it wasnt meant to be nasty or rude it was ment specificly as freindly jab but as i was worng i said now i know and as for the post it dosnt say move to side its says do something....... which can be interprted in many ways please dont try and ream people it makes you look like a dick and i doubt thats your goa.l so is this fude laid to rest as bickering on a fourum is not only pointless but wates of time for the both of as as it seems i stand to learn something from you so im not trying to make a mortal enemy.