Stupid propaganda from MCSO


Well-Known Member
So I am watching Fox news this morning and they are talking about all the marijuana being grown in homes. The deputy states that many people are growing in neighborhoods and it's extremely dangerous. He also says if you think your neighbor is growing because you smell it, call MCSO. He states they have to wear hazard suits cuz the smell in the air is very dangerous too. Assholes spreading more lies to the public. Pot is safer than peanuts!
gosh, wr have utter morons running this country, i thought cops mottos were
to serve and protect, not to arrest and take yo weed lol
That is awful but expected. Did you call MCSO and the tv station to make a complaint about them spreading misinformation and propaganda? If not, why not? None of this is going to get any better if we don't confront said misinformation and prohibitionists right away. I make it a point to talk to at least one person a day about these things.
WHAT THE FUCK???? This country is turning into commie waste land..... i wanna move to Alaska and start my own micro nation!