Stupid questions from a noob!


I am newbie that likes to read and research. When I stumbled across this website a few months ago I realized this was were I need to be. There is just way to much knowledge and more importantly.... Knowledge sharing here to pass it up. But... You guys (in the hydroponics room especially) use a lot of acronyms and terminology that you all just assume everyone knows. I am sure I will figure it all out eventually. : ) I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good "hydroponics for dummies" book that would help get me up to speed?

also... Can some one tell me what it is that I am doing? I have a single Plant in a five gallon bucket... I am adding nutes up to about... 1,150 ppm with each water change which I am doing weekly. I am also making Heisenberg' tea for the first time today...

Is this a DWC? I think it is...

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
DWC - Deep Water Culture.

If this is your first grow, I recommend against Hydro.

Go soil, and keep it simple.

If you insist on DWC...
You'll need, a Ph tester and adjusting solutions.
A PPM (Parts Per Million) meter.
Nutrients for Hydro.
Water treatment, H2O2 or something like PondZime or HydroSparkle.
The 5gal bucket, must be dark, can't let any light to the roots.
Net Pots, I use 3" to start then move to 6" pots when big enough.
Air pump, hoses and air-stones. For 1 plant I use an air-pump big enough for a 30 - 60 gal fish tank. Air is like light, it hard to have too much.
A growing medum. I prefer Hydroton (expanded clay pellets), or rock-wool.

Once the roots are touchng/in the water, allow the level in the bucket to drop to 1 or 2 inches below the bottom of the net pot.

Hope that helps

Have fun


Thank you! I am doing almost everything you suggested now! I also just found several good books that I most certainly need to read. My biggest mistakes I have made so far have been about trying to spend my way into being a good grower. I think it is time for me back off a bit a do much, much more research!

The one thing I have not been doing is the water treatment... H2O2. I am making the tea right now described by Heisenberg in his Tea sticky. It will be ready for use tomorrow. Will this accomplish the water treatment?

I am am having fun though!


I do also realize I took the most difficult path for a newbie... And I have killed every plant I have ever grown. (Other than this little girl I have now) I have always been attracted to the idea of hydroponics.... Just really started learning about 6 months ago. I know I have a long way to go and that I am making a lot of mistakes... But my view is this....

I have always learned more from being wrong than I have ever learned from being right. I will get there... That is if the wonderful people on this website don't get sick of my stupid questions. : )


Okay so, I just ordered a few books on hydroponics. It seems that at least one of the problems I am having is that I have been reading more about soil growing and less about hydro than I thought I had been doing.... Getting what little knowledge of all this that I actually have crossed between the two.

The amazing thing is.... OMG, the plant I have growing is doing SOOO friggin' good. She is gorgeous! Cola's everywhere. I guess it really is better to be be lucky than good. Lol. I can see now that I have been very lucky so far.


If you love learning your on the right track...i dont know dwc...a little bit, that was my initial plan, but then I learned about aeroppnics...hydro is not as hard as people make it seem, just focus..get your shit together, at least very close,and watch jt grow dude...

but ph meter, depending on what nutes your using and how much ofbitbyou are using shouldn't fluctuate too bad...yoir ppm, that is rather high, specially if your begging, but I made some mistakes, wasn't paying attention and still learning to balance my,ppm and my shit jumped around 2000+...i let it ride for a few days cause I was switching systems and didn't feel like wasting water and my were perfectly fine...made the switch, ran them in water for a bit, hard tap water at that, added my nutes and they are just fuckin dandy...not saying, let that happen, butbi am saying, chill, it will be ok, just take it slow, think about all that shit you've read and continue to read and practice while learning...

I'm putting myfirst grow in flower next week, over 95% clone success rate, understand how to properly use my,ppm meter!! Hahaha, and steady learning...

good luck broham!