stupidiest things you ever done


New Member
hey all was just thinking whats the stupidiest things you ever done in your growing space lol

I'll start well i done some stupid things but this one will always be imbedded in my mind :-P
remember how everyone trys to make C02 useing yeast well i came up with a brain storm lets back up car to air in vent and pump some exhaust in there while i exhaust it from other side hahahaha
well after doin it for 2 days i notices plants looking rather bad and so did my yields :-P


Well-Known Member
planted way too early in a greenhouse.... i mean way too early!..... and after they hit the (roof 5ft) i had to bend them double and cover the greenhouse with a home made blackout blanket everyday for weeks .... well about 9 weeks day after day! ...... yeald was lame ... but still worth the effort

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
Well I had plans to vent my room up my chimney so one day I started to build a junction box to go over the chimney clean out so I could hook up some duct work. I got the box figured out and opened the chimney clean out door to see about 2-3ft of soot/ash build up inside. I got the shot-vac out and started to go to town. After a few mins i could smell something only to turn around and see a huge black cloud lingering in my basement. Little did I know that the shop-vac didn't even have a filter in it, sigh. I looked like the a building fell in my basement. I still have residue on tons of shit in my basement since ash is not very easy to clean up. It even got sucked in my light vent intake and clouded up the glass on my 1000w. One thing I can say is my room vents outside now.


New Member
keep them coming people heres another one thinking i could save money i would re use my soil well after i completed a grow i mixxed used soil with new soil and other manures well second grow my yields seemed to drop then after 3rd use of same soil and new soil mixtures i realized this is a complete no no being i got nothing for yields and can honestly say only thing i REALLY GOT WAS headache


Well-Known Member
i showed a couple people i thought were friends my grow when i was drunk and when it was just about time chop my shit got jacked


Well-Known Member
uhhh... I continually pull clones out of the dome too early, and they shrivel and die. Or, I pull on them to chekc on them and pull them right out of the plug.
I also either dont start nutes soon enough, or go to heavy with them....
Hmmm... a while back on one of my early grows I didnt clean up any dead leaves... and got spider mites in return.
nothing huge I can think of.


Well-Known Member
Mollasas in my hydro tub, what a mess, next day there was a fine layer of a creamy slim all over everything and in everything. Had to clean everything.


Well-Known Member
I thought hydro was growing in water so i bought a kiddie pool filled it..pulled all the rootballs out jacked em all up and layed the plants in the pool...they turned to moosh..took me a week to figure out i was a retard..
Oh another dumb ass thing i did was grow sixty plants with no filter


Well-Known Member
Everybody was always telling me how great my garden soil is. So for my first plant I used dirt from my garden with no amendments. That plant was so pathetic.


Well-Known Member
I thought hydro was growing in water so i bought a kiddie pool filled it..pulled all the rootballs out jacked em all up and layed the plants in the pool...they turned to moosh..took me a week to figure out i was a retard..
Oh another dumb ass thing i did was grow sixty plants with no filter


Well-Known Member
the pamplet i got with colloidal silver said it would benefit plant life..
didn't mention it could turn clits to dicks.


Well-Known Member
my first grow, by far the stupidest marijuana experience of my life....

3 seedlings in a single 1 gallon pot. inder a 60 watt light bulb. they flowered allright, i got 2 joints off of the 3 plants (smoking EVERYTHING) didnt get my high and tasted like shit.

man i smoked those 2 joints like a champ tho.

the pamplet i got with colloidal silver said it would benefit plant life..
didn't mention it could turn clits to dicks.
yea, i use it to make fem seeds :)


New Member
heres another i made about 4 bottles of yiest and sugar mix went down gave them a good shake and wa laaa i hade yiest sugar all over my plants from it exploding hahahaha house smelled like a bakery well almost


Well-Known Member
Hey howabout the old ill hid these over here with the poison one will ever go evet rub a bud on poison ivy and smoke it?


Well-Known Member
Oh wait....cant forget the times i pissed in the bucket every day till it died....
Oh and wow maybe if i shake this male plant all over the females it will make em stronger