Sub, Is There a Easy Way for Determing Feeding Requirements of Your Strains?


Active Member
Sub, Is there a easy way for determing feeding requirements of your strains? I'm growing several of your strains this year (In supersoil for the 1st time). The strains are The flav,JTR,Kaboom,Vortex,Apollo BX &Pandoras Box.I 'm using 18-24" diameter holes about 18"deep.Any tips would be greatly appreciated.I grew 3 Flavs last year and they only got to about 3-4ft tall.I was using a mix of ffof & roots.The holes were also only 12" wide, in crappy native soil. My supersoil is baking now.Thanks for all you do for this community.You are a rare individual in sharing your knowledge & expertise. This would be a much nicer world if more people shared your traits.


Active Member
Fill the holes halfway with supersoil. Topem off with roots....but I bet you know this already. You can top dress with supersoil and it works awesome.