SUBCOOL and tga growers.. help plz


Well-Known Member
Hiya all, i have grown 2 harvests at this point 1 indoor and 1 indoor/outdoor consecutive.
This includes couple of ak crosses, yumbolt, and cpl diesels mainly.

From everything i've read, Sub's stuff seems top notch and i think i'm ready... i'm lookin for 2 strains from the general tga stock and am seriously lookin for suggestions.

Gonna be a soil or coco grow and hydro not an option atm. gonna have 400w hps and possibly a couple of 125w cfl's at the same time. Probably 5-10 gal buckets.


First off of course.. i want as much yeild as possible... i've looked but it's kinda hard to get an idea of what kinda yeild i would be able to pull off of a soil only grow like this for certain tga strains.

Taste and potency... i can certainly say that the cherry taste from a couple of the space queen crosses sounds spot on for what i would be lookin for along with the lemony taste of something like jtr... i don't have much doubt that anything i grow from tga would be potent but thing is i'm lookin for a good up/motivating type high with possible pain releif for me and for a friend i want something a lil' more indi. dominant i think cuz from what i've gathered a sensi star TYPE buzz would be what is needed (mainly body high or body/cerebral that's social).

From some of the stuff i've seen jtr defidently looks amazing but i'd also love to get my hands on one of the cherry tasting pheno's sub has and get good yeilds with wutever. Perhaps next time something like the tiny bomb would do me right but kinda need a lil more yeild without compromising too much on quality.

I appreciate any comments anyone may have to help me solve this dilema!:dunce:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
jilly bean .
umm... thanks lol

Have u found jillyB. has decent yeild/resin profile....???

Sorry if i'm askin folks to be too descriptive cuz i really don't want to be a pest and i'm really high right now....:dunce:

But again... all the info u may have on your experiences with suggested strains is SERIOUSLY appreciated!!!:hump:

I guess in the end what i'm prolly gonna need also is for one of the strains (indi. dom. prolly) to be as close to a super yeilder as possible while still livin' up to sub's rep for potency.
The other i'm of course lookin for good yeild also but with i think a bit more of an emphasis on super dee dooperty dankness like JTR or one of the cherry pheno's from i think space jill.

THANKS SUB!!!! Can't freakin wait to pop me magic beans!.....

GAWD I JUST REALIZED I'M SOOO HIGH that i'm like insanely energized... ever get that feeling like you're somehow functioning at like twice the level you normally do? lol... I don't even know what i am or was sayin' LOL.... i better just watch some t.v. while waiting for a reply... THANKS AGAIN!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i found an indi dom vortex pheno that has a very nice yield and killer smoke...

a sativa dom jtr pheno that is super lemony. ive never seen sub say anything about a sativa dom jtr..super nice hazeish type smoke...

a querkle pheno that is out of this world covered in trichs...all the querkle i had havent been huge performers til late in flowering..

i support sub 100% but one shitty thing i found was out of my 30 beans i got 8 female...i was really pissed about sure it has nothing to do with his beans, i prolly was just unluckly =/

wish i coulda found a few more phenos tho..


Well-Known Member
thank you so much for the info... will jott that down in me ol' tga scorecard.... that's 1 for vortex and 1 for jtr for me now

btw... how is JTR typical yeild in my type of setup...(ballpark plz)?

and you said the vortex was great yield... like wut... 2-4 oz. great? Thanks again for the reply... i hope to get lots of experienced suggestions to play into this decision.


Well-Known Member
Jilly, Nice short, stocky, great yeilds. Smells like Mangos,during grow, no need for scrubbers. Uplifting high, very orangy, tropical taste. Like drinkin a mixed drink in the Bahamas, u know, the ones with the umbrellas!!Jilly!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply!

Sorry to bug folks on this one but when one says "GOOD YEILDS" it's sort of a subjective term... anyone remember ballpark of what they pulled off these per plant?

Hope i'm not being too much of a pest but time is tickin and i'mma have to get this grow going quite soon and wanted to get as much info as possible b4 i make my decision.... thanks again so much for any insights....


Well-Known Member
I yanked 2-1/2 to 3 per plant. In a 5 gallon, with 1 1000w. I kept feeding her, and she kept eating. I think i went 61 days from flower to harvest. I got them, cause of the description of taste. And it was... TASTY! I think he bred them, with us bong smokers in mind:):) I def wouldnt waste it in a blunt, plus i hate the taste of blunts. Joints, vapes, and bong ripz!
I have had finished Jilly several times and have seen it growing, top notch. What your yield will be is all relative but I believe my buddy had similar results as Fditty. I have a couple Mz Jill going right now that came to me in clone. 25 days into flowering and they are looking great. JTR is another that I would like to try from Sub. Let us know how they turn out for you.


Well-Known Member
i just grew jack the ripper for the first time. compared one in coco and the other in soil. soil did much better but i treated both the way soil should be treated (didnt use coco specific nutes/didnt water as often) here are a few pictures. jtr cures real quick...smell is there within a week or so. yield was pretty fat but first time growing a sativa. super silver haze had better potency and yield. my bk also had better potency but less yield. good all around plant..easy to train and grows beautifully.

smoke tastes like mountain fresh pine. lots of hairs but not super dense (typical of sativas)

i pulled around 60 grams with one plant with two harvests at two different times. nugs were trimmed real short. i also have alot of shake for vaporization/butter/hash...used one 400 watt light. she can tolerate being fed around 1200 ppm all the way through flower till the flush.

