Subcool Strains


Subcool has amazing genetics there isn't a question as far as quality. The question is choice of strain for yield like Agent Orange,Cheesequake, Vortex, or Chyrenobol. Yeah that's spelled wrong. Any grow techniques, specific phenos, pictures, any and all info will be much appreciated. Thanks Sub. like your gear the little I have seen.


Well-Known Member
you make it sound like he's a porn star!

I've grown his vortex and still have some going. It's a light yielder. trying some qleaner now but it's still vegging.


Hempstar.... no I just appreciate what has been done. Also wondering if anyone has took his genetics and crossed them with large yielders with success.


Well Subs Jacks Cleaner was crossed with Bogs Bogglegum and that became Lifesaver that is a high yielding strain i grow and it gets big~~ check my journal i have some in there!


yes IndoorsIMG_0961.jpg and lifesaver was breeded by Subcool and Bog themselves, i was suprised to get 10+ off these because the smoke was really really tasty and packs a is done as early as 45 days too!!!!! thats what they say and i will agree that it does finish that fast but i always let mine run 55-60 and its worth it;-)... My buddy does Vortex and it is very good as well but even with proven methods he can only get between 4 off his


Thats great but in your journal if I read right you veg them for five months. If I read correctly, have you ever vegged for sixty days. If so what was yield then?


Well-Known Member
I was looking for heavy yielder to go perpetual with.... How long u veg and that sounds well short to lower! I grow organic soil 400w HPS but will be upgrading to 600. What light you use to pull 10+ off 2 plant? I wouldn't mind 2/3 o's with my 400 if think possible? 4 week veg?


Ok First i normally do veg 60 and flower 60 i have thirty plants so its usually 6x6x6x6x6 all at differnt veg and flower states, and i would get no less than 4 and up to 8, the reason they are 5 months old is because i have redone my whole grow room wiring and building so i just kept them in veg because i really dont lose anything if i get 4oz from 2 motnth veg and 10+on a 5 month veg all is good in the hood!


I dont care what strain it is except if its a Sativa i never get less than 4, if i do something is wrong but you need big pots i use no smaller than 18 gallon and up to 25 gallon containers! A little LSt Throw them in a cage and flower! It takes awhile to get a good method down


djlifeline, I use 2k in veg and in flower i use 3k hps and i move a 400mh around in there too for spectrum.., I pulled 5 ounces off one plant with a 400, but with a 400 i usually only grow one monster!!!

Dank Hands

Active Member
I dont care what strain it is except if its a Sativa i never get less than 4, if i do something is wrong but you need big pots i use no smaller than 18 gallon and up to 25 gallon containers! A little LSt Throw them in a cage and flower! It takes awhile to get a good method down

25 gallon pots? umm what?

Dank Hands

Active Member
The basic rule of thumb is to have atleast 1 gallon for every month your plant is alive. Do you veg for like 20 months? Am I missing something?


Thanks I was wondering cause you can veg several strains for five months and get bumper harvests. Nice though.


LOL really the bigger your container the bigger the plant if you want 10+ per plant you need big pots, why write 25gallon? Look at the picture its a 25gallon container and by the end of harvest weather a 2 month or 5 month veg they are rootbound! Dankhandsd what you might be missing is some experience in huge yields!