Subcools pandoras box and Jillybean

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Holy shit Haze, 5 gal should have some serious plants. Are you going to let them grow some root balls in a smaller container and weed out the males first. How long are you planning on vegging for?

The Jilly is a light feeder and, according to Subcool she does best topped once. Most of my plants are in 1.7 square pots as I turn them over rather quickly, but the one Jilly I have is in a 3.1 gal. Just top dressed it yesterday with fresh worm castings. I grew her to have 6 colas, and she's just about half way done and am starting to smell a real nice orangie something.

I'll keep an eye on your grow....good luck bro


Well-Known Member
Thanks Highlanders, I only plan to vegg for a month or so I still a little skeptical about how much my 3000w of flower power will do for 40 plants well minus the males. I did not plant in smaller containers first they started straight in the 5 gal. I realized later that I should have planted in smaller, next I will for sure. Theres alot of area to cover with those 5 gal rite off the bat. Its a 6 bucket by 6 bucket plus 4 extra plants to cover. Well see how it goes. Im only using this room once and then Im off to do some bigger things lol. For the jillys I will be topping only once. Im just not sure of how fast all the 3 strains will grow and how different. I know the PB and the 3D are supposed to be vegged to a large bush which I cant pull off this run neither. So your Jillybeans how did you get them to six colas?? How are the nugs so far, density, weight?? Ill be posting some pics real soon, I get my internet on at the house on Monday finally so the journal will stay quite active. Thanks again for input and comments!! Haze


Well-Known Member
Update: Last night rotated all the babys around the light, have 20 jillys on half the room and the PB and 3D are on the other side. All under the 1000w hortilux blue daylight MH. Ive got the fan running till night fall, cooling the light all day, ventilation of new replaced air every 2-3 hours on for 5 minutes replacing air. The temps are kept no hire than 80 rite now and humidity sits rite at 60-67 % allowing for 7% fluctuation and shit is sealed tight. So far The Jilly and 3D seem to be a stronger darker plant than the PB. The PB went in the first day and they are the smallest then the 3D and then the jillys. They are only about 2 inches tall so far so not much to see yet. There is 1 PB that seems like she wont make it the seeds shell has been wrapped around the leaves not letting it open up, so I peeled it back but she has a weak stem so well see how she does. Other than that I will have pics and some updates on MONDAY!! Woot! Woot! Haze


Well-Known Member
I promised you all some pics so here we are. These pics here are the beginning stages of the room and basically just for viewing. Room is 7.5ft x 12 ft my brother and I built it and framed it, a very fast and simple design. Hope it works the way we intended. Haze



Well-Known Member
These next few pictures are pics of the floor. I elevated the floor 18 inches to accomodate the buckets once I go into flower the buckets will sit in the floor
with only the plant and about 2 inches of the bucket showing. Below them is lined with the panda film and it will act as a drain, draining everything to the front door quite a cool little system.



Well-Known Member
The next few pics will be of the equipment and products Im using just so everybody knows shit is real. Ill take some pics of my nutrient regimen soon also. Since these pictures I have added some more stufff to the room which Ill have pics later.



Well-Known Member
This pic shows a few of the ballasts and part of the ventilation. The green blower brings in fresh air every 3 hours for 5 minutes. The silver blower cools the lighting and heats my bedroom lol.



Well-Known Member
And last the woman on there first day, all 40 of them Im figuring on loseing no less that 5 so I shall end up with 30-35 plants oh and I lost 1 pandoras box



Well-Known Member
Questions and comments are welcome, and I dont mind the worst of criticism. I will have updated pics tomorrow morning, plants are now 8 and 9 days old. For the most part they are all doing absolutely great but there are select beans that are growing a tad slower than the rest.Haze

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Looks like you and your bro had some quality fun building a grow room. Came out good, you guys must be stoked!! So your in your garage. Is this a stealth op? I guess no chance or reason for anyone having to go in there? Would you mind explaining your drainage method again. When I built my room, I put the sheetrock on the inside of the framing but I've seen it done both ways. Must be nice having a real door lol.

I ended up with 2/3 of my TGA beans turning out female...thats a good ratio. Subcool recommends topping the Jillybean at about the fourth or fifth node. I have been experimenting with my Jillys and thats what I would recomend too. She is somewhat of a light feeder as well.

Your pic of all your equipment made me think of christmas morning for big kids!

Keep a low profile brother, ya got a nice grow started


Well-Known Member
So the draining system, kinda corny but I couldnt do what was planned so I figured Id rig something up. The plastic starts at basically 9 inches in the back and runs to the floor all pulled tight. 2x4s run from the back to the front of the room at the same slope which the plastic is under. When the plants go into flower, I will cut out as many holes as I have females 6 inches apart or more inevery direction. Te buckets will then sit into the floor and when I water they will drain onto the panda film and flow to the front of the room where I can then clean up and dispose. As for the garage thing, yes I am. Im staying with some family members to stay stealth and I am using the whole garage as my bedroom and grow room lol. So no nobody comes in there unless I let them. I have ventlation going into the attic that runs into an enclosed box that I have my air cleaner in and then gets pumped out into the attic after being cleaned. Thsi was a fast build and not many plans were made for this room, so I think it came out quite nice for the situations I was given.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Highlander much appreciated. I figured I would go ahead and top rite at the 4th node Im only planning on them growing to a 3 foot plant maximum, If I top then will I make it Highlander?? As for light feeding how much are we talking can you give me an example from your Jillys?? Ive got some new pics of the babys, they are all doing great all working on their 2nd internode and of course 2nd set of full leaves. I went ahead and added my 400w mh bulb without a hood to the 1000w to accomodate just a few that are being left out, Ill hang it in a hood tomoroow its heating up the room fast. 1 problem Im running into already is a humidifier the 1 we bought just fuckin blows so Ive been online looking for a new one, unless anybody knows of some real efficient ways of getting some moisture. Other than that all doing good nice and green. I have some new pics on the camera and Ill get those on here first thing in the morning. I think I said that last time but for surely in the morning. Till then danksters keep it green!! Keep updated comments questions and criticism all very welcome. Haze2

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there Haze, how goes the grow? After the initial 2 week seedling period, you guys should start seeing some explosive vegatative growth. What do you have for temps and humidity levels. Unless you can maintain optimal levels, you might have to back off on the lights a little. I guess I would call Jilly a medium feeder and not a light feeder. She's taken everything I've given her just fine. I tend lately to be easing up on my synthetic nutes and using more organics and topdressing. Just seems right. If you want to max out your yield and you want to keep them around three ft, go ahead and top them and also train and supercrop. Wicked chowda end up with 3 Jilly phenos...he might be able to give you some info as well.

I'll post some pics of some of my Jilly clones. I'm trying a few different training methods to see which yields best. Looking forward to see how you guys do. Good luck bro.

Pic 2 topped early in veg

Pic 3 topped late in veg

Pic 4 untopped. Little bushes


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Update: Last night rotated all the babys around the light, have 20 jillys on half the room and the PB and 3D are on the other side. All under the 1000w hortilux blue daylight MH. Ive got the fan running till night fall, cooling the light all day, ventilation of new replaced air every 2-3 hours on for 5 minutes replacing air. The temps are kept no hire than 80 rite now and humidity sits rite at 60-67 % allowing for 7% fluctuation and shit is sealed tight. So far The Jilly and 3D seem to be a stronger darker plant than the PB. The PB went in the first day and they are the smallest then the 3D and then the jillys. They are only about 2 inches tall so far so not much to see yet. There is 1 PB that seems like she wont make it the seeds shell has been wrapped around the leaves not letting it open up, so I peeled it back but she has a weak stem so well see how she does. Other than that I will have pics and some updates on MONDAY!! Woot! Woot! Haze
Those are good levels. When flowering I keep my humidity in the 20's. Maybe increase vour fresh air too. Lots of co2 in fresh air


Well-Known Member
Update: Pictures of the Jillybean, Pandoras box, and 3rdD. All but Jillys were planted 1-4 and Jillys the following day. Nothing has been fed yet I will feed tomorrow. Some of the jillys are showing signs of needing a tad bit of N. as for the other 2 strains also. The first 2 pics are of the Jillybean showing spacing and the canopy shes the biggest one but all are so close its crazy. The second 2 ar of the 3D.



Well-Known Member
All 5 of these pics are of Jillybean the last pic is again of spacing on the 1 jilly, mind you all the spacing throughout each Jilly is exactly the same with my naked eye. They are pretty tite too about 4 nodes within the inch. Very nice looking plants most of them have the broad leaves but ther are I think 2 or 3 with the thinner leaves.



Well-Known Member
All pictures are of my pandoras box they arent growing near as fast as the Jillys nothing is lol, but they all do seem to have the same spacing which Is close to the Jillys. They have 3 nodes working on the fourth bottom node to top is no more than 1 inch. The 2nd picture is of 1 PB that I believe will be the male lol very lanky and growing straight up its already 5 inches or so and has only 2 nodes, well see.

