Suboxone in Pain Management urine testing?

I have had compression fractures developing in my back for about four years, assuming the currently agreed upon cause is in fact the cause, and since starting to experience moderate to severe, sometimes debilitating pain as a result have been self medicating primarily with green, but as time has gone on I have taken to street narcotics (hydrocodone, oxycodone, etc (I'm kind of predisposed to them anyways)) and recently, that developed into a short <one month bout with heroin. I have my first consultation with pain management in six days, and I'm unsure if I'm going to be dropped on that day, but just in case I need to know if their tests look for/pick up suboxone as after finishing my taper from heroin as of yesterday I'm still finding myself pretty dopesick and I am only in possession of suboxone. I know PM tests for virtually every drug separately, however I also know suboxone is tested for very infrequently. Google has not given me consistent answers and as such, I turn to you, rollitup.
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bud bootlegger
they also test for thc and will kick you off for a few dirties..
my buddy just got snagged 10 days after doing some coke for a dirty.. his second hot and they're threatening to boot his ass to the curb..
How reasonable do you think clinics will be if I explain that since, for the past (give or take) two years since the pain started, my physician has not been presented with sufficient imagery to conclude that there was in fact a problem, leaving me with the option to either self medicate or deal with the pain? I'd imagine if I told them what I've been using prior to my first drop but agree to kick it for the future they would be more understanding, but this is all very new territory to me and I know pain contracts tend to be very, very strict. My goal here, ultimately, is to finally continue to be a functional human being, not make some doctors think I'm an addict. I'm just a bit worried leveling with my doctor will lead me straight to the latter.


bud bootlegger
How reasonable do you think clinics will be if I explain that since, for the past (give or take) two years since the pain started, my physician has not been presented with sufficient imagery to conclude that there was in fact a problem, leaving me with the option to either self medicate or deal with the pain? I'd imagine if I told them what I've been using prior to my first drop but agree to kick it for the future they would be more understanding, but this is all very new territory to me and I know pain contracts tend to be very, very strict. My goal here, ultimately, is to finally continue to be a functional human being, not make some doctors think I'm an addict. I'm just a bit worried leveling with my doctor will lead me straight to the latter.
honestly? i hate to say it, but not at all..
fwiw, i have no personal experience with pc, i just know a few people who have and or are going, and have heard many horror stories..


Well-Known Member
I dont know about other parts of the country but in NY, they must test you atleast every 30 days, and about half off those tests you will be given less than 24h notice (not on a reguraly scheduled appt.) along with pill counts

The suboxone test is very expensive, so they dont use it much at all usually unless they suspect you of useing it . But first time I would bet on a test and very likely a complete one

Hear in NY their litterly giving out LIFE sentances to doctors, for being a compainate doctors , their looking for Any reason to cut anybody to cover their ass

Where im at a good relationship with a primary care doctor , is MUCH better than pain managment any day
Unfortunately, my primary told me that he wants me to go Pain Management and doesn't seem interested in helping me in any other way. I get the feeling he's labeled me as a seeker from day one, sadly.
I appreciate the answers, all. While they may not be quite what I was hoping for, they've been helpful. Sometimes the fact of the matter just sucks ass, I guess! Given I doubt I'll be able to clean myself entirely, even if I get everything else out, not of THC. I'm just going to have to hope for the best. Might end up stuck using Kratom as a primary medication, haha. I would just reschedule the appointment, but I've already done so once to give myself time to taper as opposed to kicking cold turkey.
Another question though, anyone with experience in PM/PC, do they generally test on the day of the first consultation, or do they wait a couple days/until the next appointment? I would assume they drop on the day of so the individual doesn't have time to clean up, but I'm just wondering.


Well-Known Member
I went to a pain clinic through a recommendation of my PCP, but it was in network, same. Health organization.

My experience wasn't the best at first and required a damn 4 page letter copying my insurance company, the doctor, the president of the health care organization and the department head. Basically I was being dismissed due to my age and that my injuries "shouldn't be causing that much pain". Well, no shit I'm younger, have a documented issue, been seeing the same doctor for 4 years, and a doctor in the same network before that for my entire life. My whole medical documentation is in your hands, including the issues surrounding my pain in addition to my test results. Do you think I like spending my time and money going to doctors?

I went to another branch downtown and got the damn spinal injections, which ended up being useless and the last one was pure misery.

Again this is through a major health care organization in my area. I wasn't going through a pill mill or anything like that, but I question if that may be the best approach.

Eta: obviously you got more going on, my experience is only mine so far.


Well-Known Member
I have had nothing but bad experiances with PM (legit ones) ,They would only write me for name brand stuff not covered by insurance companys , and still under patent . It would have ben /was cheaper just to buy H
Then they will give you a call around 10am to show up THAT DAY with your meds for counts (Try holding a job down with pain + having to leave early every other week
Then they switched me to suboxone (For Pain)with no fail's or misses .. Thats when I left


Well-Known Member
Yeah I never got to that point. What's annoying is my doctor said "if you were older is have less issue prescribing stronger stuff". As if age means pain is more or less depending on if your older.

Always been pretty honest with my doctor. I tell her why my script didn't last me a month. Shit, just recently I told her I use cannabis to mitigate pain. When she asked I made sure to say I'm only answering to be honest with you, and don't want my insurance to know nor do I want my honest to hurt my treatment options. She seemed to respect that, as it's never been mentioned elsewhere or charted down from when I get copies.


Well-Known Member
Lots of doctors in CA will only give you a "kick it" kit if you test dirty. They cut off all opiates. The kit contains clonodine, something for nausea, and something for diarrhea. Most doctors are still clueless about cannabis. They are obligated to follow a pain contract that does not allow the use of cannabis, even though a study in 2012 done at SFU found that consuming cannabis while taking opiates does not increase toxicity levels. They actually found pain patients needed less opiates when using cannabis thus keeping their opiate dose to a minimum. The medical community needs a wake up call, mainly from the Feds/assholes.


bud bootlegger
Yeah I never got to that point. What's annoying is my doctor said "if you were older is have less issue prescribing stronger stuff". As if age means pain is more or less depending on if your older.

Always been pretty honest with my doctor. I tell her why my script didn't last me a month. Shit, just recently I told her I use cannabis to mitigate pain. When she asked I made sure to say I'm only answering to be honest with you, and don't want my insurance to know nor do I want my honest to hurt my treatment options. She seemed to respect that, as it's never been mentioned elsewhere or charted down from when I get copies.
i just broke my leg, and was honest with the dr and told her i'm on methadone.. she then hands me a script for nalproxin.. i was fucking pissed.. i'm thinking to myself, i just broke my leg, and you're prescribing me basically alleve for it? that'll learn me to be honest with drs.. :(


Well-Known Member
The thing about doctors more willing to prescribe addicting pain meds to older people is that they don't want to get younger patients addicted/dependant on the meds and then go thru hell trying to get off them later in life. They think if they prescribe to older patients they will be on the meds for the rest of their life. I was prescribed Methadone for pain and if I knew then what I know now about methadone I would have never touched the stuff. It builds up in your system to massive levels and can take years to taper off of. The medical community is a pretty screwed up system. Best advice is to find a primary care doctor that actually listens to you. But yea, good luck with that. Good doctors are rare.


bud bootlegger
The thing about doctors more willing to prescribe addicting pain meds to older people is that they don't want to get younger patients addicted/dependant on the meds and then go thru hell trying to get off them later in life. They think if they prescribe to older patients they will be on the meds for the rest of their life. I was prescribed Methadone for pain and if I knew then what I know now about methadone I would have never touched the stuff. It builds up in your system to massive levels and can take years to taper off of. The medical community is a pretty screwed up system. Best advice is to find a primary care doctor that actually listens to you. But yea, good luck with that. Good doctors are rare.
my sister's a nurse and always tells this joke..

what do you call a dr who graduated last in his class?? doctor.


Well-Known Member
Doctors nowadays are only worried about how fast they can shuffle patients in and out of the exam rooms. Quantity vs quality. I've actually caught doctors straight up lying to me. I called them on it and they just shook their head and never really acknowledged what I said; very sad. I've lost all faith and trust in doctors There are exceptions of course but they are few.


Well-Known Member
i just broke my leg, and was honest with the dr and told her i'm on methadone.. she then hands me a script for nalproxin.. i was fucking pissed.. i'm thinking to myself, i just broke my leg, and you're prescribing me basically alleve for it? that'll learn me to be honest with drs.. :(
I have a cousin on methadone and you should have flipped, cause he told me the methadone doctors told his regular doctors that since he was on methadone he needed a higher dose of narcotics more often, but that they should write a shorter script with less/no refills.