I have had compression fractures developing in my back for about four years, assuming the currently agreed upon cause is in fact the cause, and since starting to experience moderate to severe, sometimes debilitating pain as a result have been self medicating primarily with green, but as time has gone on I have taken to street narcotics (hydrocodone, oxycodone, etc (I'm kind of predisposed to them anyways)) and recently, that developed into a short <one month bout with heroin. I have my first consultation with pain management in six days, and I'm unsure if I'm going to be dropped on that day, but just in case I need to know if their tests look for/pick up suboxone as after finishing my taper from heroin as of yesterday I'm still finding myself pretty dopesick and I am only in possession of suboxone. I know PM tests for virtually every drug separately, however I also know suboxone is tested for very infrequently. Google has not given me consistent answers and as such, I turn to you, rollitup.
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