sudden def week 4 flower

Fred johnson

Active Member
  • So these plants looked great up until now
  • No problem other then spider mites. Ill post pics of the plants whose edges of leaves are dying yellowimg. Browning etc. Ty for any input.20160916_162247.jpg 20160916_162247.jpg 20160916_162229.jpg 20160916_162156.jpg

Fred johnson

Active Member
Btw i am using using agvanced nutes grow micro and bloom at quarter strength in soil. The leave yellowing and browning has started from the bottom qorking way up. I fpushed plants today to make sure there wasnt salt build up. Runoff measure 200 ppm average. Im pretty sure its not getting somethijg it needs but not sure which deff fits that description. I use additives such as big bud voodoo juice sysezem budcandy sweet goddes and nirvana overdrive. Please help someone. If it was a lockout i should see postivie reaults soon with the flush.