Sugar anyone?


Active Member
anyone tried lineing the top of there soil with sugar a week or 3 days before harvest?

i've heard from one of my friends that own a headshop.

he said it makes the buds alot more better and u get more crystals or something....

i just wanna know if hes bs'ing or is this true? :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well first off I think using refined sugar isn't the best for your plant.Use molasses or something.And no I do not believe it makes more crystals.


Just some idiot
Use molassess, or something like Sweet by Botanicare, I would never line the soil with sugar it scares me....but what do I know.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
And never add molasses to an aero system or really a hydro system.It foams up and clogs sprayers and pumps.For no soil grows.Use sweet or sugar daddy or sweet leaf even carbo load will add weight and density


Just some idiot
And never add molasses to an aero system or really a hydro system.It foams up and clogs sprayers and pumps.For no soil grows.Use sweet or sugar daddy or sweet leaf even carbo load will add weight and density
Listen to this man, like he said they make stuff for hydro, I use and endorse sweet.


Active Member
Regular sugar can't pass through a plant's cell wall effectively. It just sits there...
I've never tried it on a crop, but it definately does not work on principal. Molasses is the way to go, man. I've had great success with it on tomatoes and my other plants as well. :)


Well-Known Member
Why would one use it, at all? Does it make the smoke taste sweet? Don't think I'd like that, myself.


Active Member
Why would one use it, at all? Does it make the smoke taste sweet? Don't think I'd like that, myself.
Well, I don't know if it makes any difference in the bouquet of the smoke, but if done right, it can fatten your tomatoes and buds. Basically, if you know what your doing, you can use this method to give your plants a little all natural boost.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know if it makes any difference in the bouquet of the smoke, but if done right, it can fatten your tomatoes and buds. Basically, if you know what your doing, you can use this method to give your plants a little all natural boost.

Oh, if it's a nute advantage, my interest is piqued


Well-Known Member
Using molasses on hydro isn't a good idea. Molasses feeds the microbial life of soil and the plant doesn't take up any of it. All you would be doing is getting your system dirty and possibly fuck it up.