Sugar Daddy, Sugar Cane or Molasses???


New Member
i was in my local hydro shop and they had this product called "sugar daddy" it was a sugarcane carb supplement that they sell, and i asked the guy at the shop if it was an alternative to molasses, he said, yea but way better.

so is he right, should i treat the plants with this instead of molasses? Sugar Daddy Plant Nutrition

any info or opinions?


Well-Known Member
I doubt it will be way better, just way more expensive. It'll work, though. Some of the best grows I've ever seen were done using molasses. I'd stick with that. I'll be using it myself pretty soon.


New Member
kk. cool. thanks for the reply. and while i got you here. what is a good amount of time to keep a plant in veg before you change the light cycle. and start to flower, im thinking of trying foxfarms feeding chart with their open sesame, beastiebloomz, and cha ching reccomendation from their feeding chat. i jus picked up a bottle of tigerbloom today, and have been using growbig and bigbloom. what's your opinion on that as well? using a 400watt mh in a closet, in oceanforest soil. been supplementing with algamic and magical. any responses are appreciated.


Active Member
i'd like to know that veg time based on sativa vs indica, height, age...combo of those? also i got four going good each about a week apart in age with my youngest at 1 wk and my oldest at 4 wks...i want them all to flower at the same time. can somebody help me with a plan? thnx


Well-Known Member
First you need to find out roughly how tall your particular strain will grow, then decide how tall you want your plants. Remember that plants double or triple in height after you induce flowering. Myself, I'm growing Master Kush, which can grow to be over five feet. I wanted something around three feet, so I started 12/12 after my plants were 11-12". You also need to keep in mind how much you're looking to yield per plant. Again, it depends on strain. I'm hoping to get at least 2-3 ounces each from my girls.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
Molasses can cause problems in a hydro grow, gunking up the airstones and whatnot. Other than that I cant say for sure that sugar daddy is that much better because ive never used molasses. Alls i know is that im about to harvest my first crop using sugar daddy and the buds have a rich intoxicating smell that I this strain didnt have before. All fruity and earthy.. wouldn't be suprised if it turns out to be the best tasting stuff i've grown.


Active Member
^^^ Yeah that might the difference right there, it may be that the sugar cane product is better for hydro. Other than that everyone swears by Black Strap molasses. All I can get around here is Brer Rabbit though heh. =)

pro grow

Active Member
Molasses can cause problems in a hydro grow, gunking up the airstones and whatnot. Other than that I cant say for sure that sugar daddy is that much better because ive never used molasses. Alls i know is that im about to harvest my first crop using sugar daddy and the buds have a rich intoxicating smell that I this strain didnt have before. All fruity and earthy.. wouldn't be suprised if it turns out to be the best tasting stuff i've grown.
Molasses is used cuz it has mycorrizal fungus in it. I was wondering cuz I was thinking when I add my MycroGrow if I would get any bennifit from the

Tee Five

Active Member
My vote,

Try to use as little snake oil as possible.

I mean just plain ol nutrients can be a scam...because most of us know you really don't need anywhere near as much as the companies who make this stuff recommends. In fact you'll burn the heck out of some strains.

Instead...focus on keeping accurate records of what you use (I like calenders), how much you use, your environment, and the results. And review those notes. Then destroy your records. (optional, but recommended).

Better than any supplement....I promise.