sugar + nutes?


Well-Known Member
im on my last weeks of flowering. i was reading that adding sugar to water makes bigger buds. so im wondering - do i have to add molases to water with nutes or without nutes?
after i will flush my plants, i have to give them clean water or water with sugar?

wich sugar is better - brown or white?

how much sugar to each liter?


New Member
im on my last weeks of flowering. i was reading that adding sugar to water makes bigger buds. so im wondering - do i have to add molases to water with nutes or without nutes?
after i will flush my plants, i have to give them clean water or water with sugar?

wich sugar is better - brown or white?

how much sugar to each liter?
I use nutes + molasses all through flowering. I don't know how much good it will do you this late. You can flush with molasses tho. I plan on it.


New Member
so you think its too late?

molasses is better than sugar?
It's too late to see any big advantage in size but flushing with molasses will improve the taste from what I have read.

Molasses vs Sugar is a debate I have seen here. Some people even use apple juice. But the majority of growers like unsulfered Blackstrap Molasses the best.


Well-Known Member
Adding carbohydrates is a very inefficient way to increase carbon uptake in your plants. In the study in the link below only 0.6% of the sugar added ended up in new shoots while over boosting bacteria levels to the point that they become competetive with the roots for resources. Over active bacteria can have a very bad side effect of lowering the gaseous oxygen levels in the root zone which could encourage fungi to grow.


New Member
Adding carbohydrates is a very inefficient way to increase carbon uptake in your plants. In the study in the link below only 0.6% of the sugar added ended up in new shoots while over boosting bacteria levels to the point that they become competetive with the roots for resources. Over active bacteria can have a very bad side effect of lowering the gaseous oxygen levels in the root zone which could encourage fungi to grow.
:mrgreen: The "anti-molasses" movement is here.

poo taco

Active Member
But not quite privy to molasses...
What does molasses do? My boy gave me some that he had all ready to go but I do fine and I didn't feed my plants anything other than what I KNOW works!!
I love sugar coated budz so if your on to a secret let me in...


Well-Known Member
Adding carbohydrates is a very inefficient way to increase carbon uptake in your plants. In the study in the link below only 0.6% of the sugar added ended up in new shoots while over boosting bacteria levels to the point that they become competetive with the roots for resources. Over active bacteria can have a very bad side effect of lowering the gaseous oxygen levels in the root zone which could encourage fungi to grow.
did you read it all .....?it is a very long winded way to say this is what may happen,not that it will definitely happen.
just like they told us all fats are bad for us .they were wrong then and are probably wrong now.
one study does not make it so...


Well-Known Member
If you're going to use sugar you are going to need to desolve it in hot (VERY HOT) water. Then let it cool down.
but sugar does melt in cool water, doesnt it? :)


Well-Known Member
did you read it all .....?it is a very long winded way to say this is what may happen,not that it will definitely happen.
just like they told us all fats are bad for us .they were wrong then and are probably wrong now.
one study does not make it so...
Now that's a solid arguement! Who's "they" and when did "they" ever say that all fats were bad (what about olive oil?). You do know what a strawman arguement is, don't you?

Actually, I did read it all and it's based off a C4 monocot that is known to be able to absorb non-anion/cation substances in small amounts. In a C3 dicot like pot, it is likely the case that the absorbtion rate of carbohydrates is going to be lower than 0.6%. There are other studies refered to at the end of the paper so this is not just one study.

I don't care if people put sugar in their soil but I would at least like the people interested in learning about plants to understand that this is a technique that has never been shown to have a positivie benefit for plants and can actually have a negative effect on their plants such as lowering the gaseous oxygen levels around the roots due to excessive bacterial action and potentially throwing off the osmotic balance in the roots making nutient uptake more difficult for the plant.


Well-Known Member
molasses has been used by gardeners for years. it has enzymes which when used with bat shit help your plant take up nutes. do not under ne circumstances use sugar. malasses is the waste product from the production of sugar and sugar will not do the same job, thats my opinion and ive tried them both.


Well-Known Member
del66666, so youre saying that molasses is better for plants? are you using molases in water with nutes?


New Member
del66666, so youre saying that molasses is better for plants? are you using molases in water with nutes?
I knew a guy once who used to pour a bag of sugar on the top of the soil and just let it slowly desolve into the medium over time. He got some huge buds doing that.


Well-Known Member
del66666, so youre saying that molasses is better for plants? are you using molases in water with nutes?

horses for courses, use what works 4 u, i use molasses, some during veg and towards end of grow, dont b heavy handed though.we all got our methods and i fully respect that.bongsmilie