sugarweed 2nd grow!! hit the dirt


Well-Known Member
hello every1 im dave, this is my 2nd grow my last one didint end so well but im back at it , i now have way more room, here is wat im doing , so if you have any sugestions or comments plz do so.

ok im making a 6 foot tall 2 feet wide and about 3 feet deep box in my closet . how many plants would fit in ther??

right now im using cfls.i plan on getting a few hps lights along the way, i girminated a few seeds the other day and only one has poped so that one hit the dirt already, im using shultz pluss it worked for me the last time around so im using it again.

here is a few pics of were i am at right now, tomorrow im going to finish the box, i painted everything white inside, thanks coment back ,.. dave.:mrgreen: ps i also added 2 pictures of my last grow.


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Yo dave, the number of plants will depend on the size of pot you use. Use smaller pots and you can fit more plants but you will have to water more often. If your box is 6 foot tall and you want to use HPS eventually then you will need 6-8 inches for the actual light and reflector + 8-10 inches between the light and the plants + about 8 inches of root/pot space. So really the tallest your plants can be is about 4 feet. You can grow a 4 foot tall plant in a half gallon pot. I do it all the time. Don't believe the root binding myth. I can fit 5 of these pots in a 2' x 1' propogation tray so you could do quite a few in that box.
What exactly will the lighting situation be? The more light you have the more densely you can pack the plants in.
yeah i cant tell u at this point how much light but i plan on getting a hps just depends how much money i can get for one. 250w?? maybe a 400w?
I mean really to be honest you can manicure the plants to fit the space. Even if you only put three plants in there you could let them get really bushy to fill the space. But to truly maximize yield you want as many plants as possible. Just manicure them so they are less bushy and mostly just one main stalk. But then if you have plants two deep in the space it makes it harder to get to the ones in the back. So it's up to you I guess. Every method has pros and cons.
ok so today i finised the box in my closet, i put a vent also , what kind of fan should i run on it to suck the air out? can some one help, i used old computer fans for my last box but i think i need somthing better, i painted everything white inside , and next i just got to fix some light and air leaks and im good, and also 8 seeds poped so now i have 9 .what do u guys think? these are the only pics i have sorry its from my camera phone, ill get a better pictures soon.


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whats up homie! glad to see u back in the game. ur box reminds me of the one i built remember back like dec,jan? for that i had 2 pc fans for exhaust and one pullin air in. but i found these bigger high power pc fans like 13 bucks but they push air. im gettin ready to get 5 more goin in my box i built just gotta build my reflector and fix some things. good luck bro and u know ima follow this like i did b4 lol grow big or grow home right lmao
yeah sweet man, but ima look more into a squirrle cage fan its a pretty big spaces and i want to get the air up into the attic. so if anyone knows what kinda of fan i need?? pls help
yeah bro get you a squirrel cage and some a/c ducting
so easy to cut a hole for the fan
your running it to the attic?
yeah were do i find the cage fans tho? will i be able to find it my self or would i have to get it on line? and yeah im running it to the attic but i plan on still using a carbon filter
i cant wait to see ur plants dave. im more anxious to see ur plants than mine lol maybe thats a lil bit of a fib but close
yeah blazed i cant wait either, and this time im going to have more than just 2 plants!! the box im making is looking real good, im going to make sure ther isint any air or light leaks
yeah blazed i cant wait either, and this time im going to have more than just 2 plants!! the box im making is looking real good, im going to make sure ther isint any air or light leaks
Hey Dave..thought you disappeared.
Reminder: NEVER EVER EVER tell a soul even a single THOUGHT about that plant you're growing, ok?
oh babs dont worry about that , that is not going to happen, and its not even in my own house , its a safe house so im all good, but yeah man thanks for stoping by
hey dave still padlock that shit . i told my boyz bout my plant they wouldnt ever steal from me plus i live like 45 min away from them. the only person im kinda worried bout is my sisters friend that i get bud from. so i keep my room on lock down plus im almost always in it lol feel sry they try to come in here with me here:evil: anways should take some shots of tha box i wanna check it out