Suggesting an EC/TDS meter?


Well-Known Member
I've found several meters online though I haven't seen many threads dedicated to asking this question so here it is... I'm looking to start my first grow (see this thread) and I am in need of an EC/TDS Meter I have looked online and can't seem to find any reviews of meters. I have a couple I would like opinions on if you all wouldn't mind...

I'm obviously looking to keep initial costs down so cheaper is better but I'm not on a malt liquor :shock: budget either.

Here are the 2 I'm looking at currently:

Hanna Dual Grochek Combo Meter EC TDS pH Temperature
$160 @ Ezhydroshop (its a little cheaper some places)

Digital Waterproof Combo Meter COM-100
$60 @ Growsmarthydro

I have found those 2 to be the least expensive while retaining the most features, now this usually means crappy quality which is why I'm here asking the community :)


Active Member
I'm a BlueLab Truncheon guy myself - gives you ec in 500x or 700x ppm - built like a friggin' tank, and maintenance is practically nil. While I think sweeping generalizations are dangerous to believe blindly, I have been very pleased with spending good money on all measuring devices - they are afterall one of the few tools we can't effectively DIY (or at least, I can't).
I have the Hannah their shit is awesome super easy use too like seriously retard simple. Get the - Hanna Hi 98129 Combo pH/EC/TDS/C/PPM Tester. Its only around $135 if you look for it online w/free shipping. Just look up google shopping and its really cheap and worth it. Its one of those things you don't want to have to worry about down the line. The Hannah is also waterproof and floats which is essential since the first time I used it I dropped the fucker. It takes temp too which is golden.


Well-Known Member

Most makes/models/price ranges. Loads of technical stuff so you can compare.

I can't comment on any since I only have a pH meter (Milwaukee SM-101), but all the technical info helped me with my decision.
