Suggestions for transporting plants?


Active Member
I'm picking up some clones that have been veg'd for abotu 3 weeks and it's abotu a 4 hour drive...anyone have some suggestions/tips on how to do this without hurting the ladies?


Active Member
just a thought... but maybe get a big box and fix a battery powered lamp up top. or maybe a 1 strip t5 could be powered thru a converter in the cigarette lighter? make sure the box is secured so it wont slide or rattle around cuz that could hurt the plants. a warm pack under the bottom of the box might be good too. make sure they are well watered and also that there is no remaining water in the tray or your seats will get wet. just theoretical.. also on a side note- be picky with your clones. make sure you check for mildew- and bugs on the top and bottom of the leaves. also check the roots out. if you go in blind your asking for trouble. (apologies if i am preaching to the choir lol).


Active Member
If you are worried about them being in the dark, you can throw in some little LED's.. But if it is only a 4 hour drive, just water it before you go and don't get in an accident. Just don't stop the car, turn it off and leave it inside while you go and eat lunch or anything. It will be fine..