Suggestions on trimming leaves, pics

As my plants are growing taller, some of the leaves that turned a little yellow have not recovered and are all wilty. they just don't look good at all. so if i should trim them, then how can i do it? just cut off the damaged part or the whole leaf itself? thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
While ur plant is only that size & if lower dying leaves not blocking airflow then u may as well leave them on as there's still loadsa nutrients in there that the plant will suck out & redistribute. If i can, i always wait till they go totally yellow, dry & crispy and just break off in ur hand.

Also this helps as anytime u cut the plant, u force it to devote a small portion of growing energy to healing, so if poss always do the smallest area cut possible as it'll heal & get back to growing quicker.

Plus the larger the cut area, the larger the surface area for germs, bacteria & moulds to land & infect plant so u'd be best always cutting whole leaf at branch near main stem, rather than across leaf surface, to minimise entry points for bad things in the air.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
removing leaves or their parts is like reducing the horsepower in you're car. nice looking plant:it looks a little lacking in nitrogen. GL


New Member
At this stage I would only remove leaves that get in the way of watering. Removing leaves is a double edge sword...if done right, can help immensely. Do it wrong and well you will see it in your overall yield. JAS