SUG's fem'd, dwarf'd, pH'd, PPM'd AK47 400w grow off :0D

Straight up G

New Member
so the whole plant is yellow, even new growth but new growth seems very healthy, idk, not a nice time, I am going to foliar feed with 200 PPM NPK, I am sure this will improve things, I should have begun bloom feeding before now but such a bad N def

stay baked

Straight up G

New Member
don't know if I over-diagnosed it,

the only option I can see is to wait..

when they are totally dry I will flush again, pH and PPM the run-off depending on that I will feed or wait it out..

Straight up G

New Member
Thanks to tom420, Superdave5, chitownsmoking, Hookedonchronics of course doc111 and any others I have enjoyed my stay and you are all quite the family,
