Yes @Bluehillsmoker look into microdosing psilocybin or even LSD. It could have a seriously positive impact on your life, it did mine and a lot of people I know.
Yes @Bluehillsmoker look into microdosing psilocybin or even LSD. It could have a seriously positive impact on your life, it did mine and a lot of people I know.
It's a thing for sure, glad to hear you're doing better too man. I've met a lot of people in the last year that are microdosing and everyone of them has benefited in one way or another. Do you think it has helped you? Are you microdosing, or just plain tripping, both?
Yah bro just keep your head up and stay hella lit but on the other note whoever said money doesn't grow in trees does not know shit lol and whoever said money does not buy happiness was broke
Just personal experience. But cubensis dried and only a small cap every few days has relieved alot of pain, gave me some ambition and improved my mood after a 22' fall to concrete. Sure there was depression in the mix. No trip or crash. Just good sleep in 12 hours. Not a doctor. Just my experience. Find some humor in things I do prescribe though. Peace and best wishes.
Yes @Bluehillsmoker look into microdosing psilocybin or even LSD. It could have a seriously positive impact on your life, it did mine and a lot of people I know.