Sulphur taste in water


Active Member
I have not gotten my seeds yet but when I do I am going to get them going right away but I have one concern. Recently the tap water has acquired a sulphur taste to it and I am wondering if that will affect the taste of the finished product. I had considered getting a brita water filter to filter the water that I use on the plants. Is this a good idea or a waste of money. Also wondering if it would filter out things that the plant needs?


Well-Known Member
I have not gotten my seeds yet but when I do I am going to get them going right away but I have one concern. Recently the tap water has acquired a sulphur taste to it and I am wondering if that will affect the taste of the finished product. I had considered getting a brita water filter to filter the water that I use on the plants. Is this a good idea or a waste of money. Also wondering if it would filter out things that the plant needs?
If you are going to get a filter for your plants then reverse osmosis

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Well or municipal water? If municipal see if you can get a report from your local provider. If well get a teat kit from Home Depot or the like. Your tap water may be just fine for growing. Your plants will not directly get flavored by the water. And sulphur is hugely over looked when it comes to growing herb. So you may have a winning combination!


Active Member
If you are going to get a filter for your plants then reverse osmosis
Hehe... Yeah.. Maybe some time but I looked up one of those filters and it's around 200$. I know that my water(unfiltered) will work for growing the plant(since my roommate has been using it on his) I was just curious to if the sulphur taste would be detrimental in any way.


Well-Known Member
You need to check this out the guys up ..invent some appropriate story and grill these guys
beside I've grown weed in Iceland thats sulfurous! ...high concentrations are good against molds and bugs
but how highs high!!!!!