No-one gives one fuck about you, cracker.What does this have to do with Vets? Obamacare or the ACA are non issues to us? Stay on topic SN!
-TRUMP 2020
well since every conceivable and reputable economic study that has been done on this bill (which is not many, because the Repukes are rushing this thing) clearly say that every single middle class family in the USA would get absolutely shafted by this bill, and most economists that have gone on the record call this a 'transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy'
I would like to inform you that you will be very very dissappointed.
your 401K growth will be offset by the higher taxes you will pay due to the scaling back of deductions, your profit-sharing will be watered down by the higher health care premiums this bill will trigger, and your retirement will be pushed back to when you are 70 or even older...... so good luck with that....
Well, not exactly. My 401k will be converted to a Roth so the taxes will be paid already and it will grow tax free. I don't pay for health care as I'm retired military so I paid with my over 20 years of service, and I'm not 70 but have essentially already retired.
-TRUMP 2020
when are you planning ROTH conversion? What steps do you take to convert?
As soon as we have a real bear market.
So you voted against Hillary Clinton but Trump 2020...Ok.
-TRUMP 2020
So you voted against Hillary Clinton but Trump 2020...
What if she doesn't run in 2020?
Seriously, it's always the pogues who had easy jobs and never used a rifle that love to tell everyone they're a veteran. You didn't fight. You were a military employee. Quit acting like your opinion matters just because you you are a "veteran". None of the actual war fighters do that. You just cheapen the word and live off the glory of others.
How do you suppose that will manifest? Any ideas?
I doubt it will happen via another CDO implosion. So what will be the cause?
The retired Veterans community is a big group. It would hurt any politician who would vote to pass a bill against them, (well maybe not Sen. McCain).
Also, if its privatized, how will they deal with the disabled vets? Some of them could not possibly handle a play to pay system, their injuries are to extensive. I could see them maybe changing Tricare benefits as they already changed the "Tricare for Life" plan where its no longer a completely free medicare supplement.
In recent years the DOD has been improving services. I can not tell you how stunned I was when I called the VA and actually got a same day appointment. After all that bad press they received, I can't see them backtracking to the way they were about 4 years ago and then removing even more services. I have noticed they are narrowing the choices of medications and making it more involved to refill prescriptions for opiates.
-TRUMP 2020
AC contributes ideas and thoughts. He's also funny sometimes. You just flip back and forth from whining to bluster and are never funny. Right wing republicans just butt fucked you and the lower 90% with its recent tax bill and you don't care. In this thread, it's been spelled out to you how you are being butt fucked without lube by this bill and you simply can't understand it. I think it's because economics didn't play into your reason for voting for Trump. You are getting what you wanted out of that guy and are willing to bend over in return.Her 15 minutes of fame are over, it'd be stupid if she did run, she pretty much has proved she isn't worthy of the position since the election ended.
I was never in a fire fight but I gave the government the opportunity for 20 years to get me in one. I even volunteered to go to Desert Storm but none of my unit went. However I have done arduous sea duty and remote duty so I paid my dues. No "military employee" would do the things many of us vets did, for the paychecks we were getting.
What exactly makes you think your opinion matters?
-TRUMP 2020
AC contributes ideas and thoughts. He's also funny sometimes. You just flip back and forth from whining to bluster and are never funny. Right wing republicans just butt fucked you and the lower 90% with its recent tax bill and you don't care. In this thread, it's been spelled out to you how you are being butt fucked without lube by this bill and you simply can't understand it. I think it's because economics didn't play into your reason for voting for Trump. You are getting what you wanted out of that guy and are willing to bend over in return.
Your idiot president made the news irrelevant to his constituency and you expect it to work for you when your idiot President turns on you?Yep, that's what I mean. Retard.
-TRUMP 2020
Made up bullshit snipped.
Your idiot president made the news irrelevant to his constituency and you expect it to work for you when your idiot President turns on you?
Can't see past your idiocy. Shame. You give veterans a bad name. Do you wear slacks and an operation desert storm hat when you annoy people at the Wal-Mart by paying with a check for your prep H?
I knowNo, I wasn't in Desert Storm.
-TRUMP 2020
Your idiot president made the news irrelevant to his constituency and you expect it to work for you when your idiot President turns on you?
Can't see past your idiocy. Shame. You give veterans a bad name. Do you wear slacks and an operation desert storm hat when you annoy people at the Wal-Mart by paying with a check for your prep H?
How were the people of the US fucked over by the ACA?Like Obama fucked you all with the ACA. You bent over first!
-TRUMP 2020