I getting enough???


Hi Everyone,

Up until yesterday,my plants have enjoyed full bore sunlight from about 0700 til 1630 hrs... Now that they have grown to about a foot tall, I found it necessary to find somewhere else a little more discreet to plant them.

After tracking across my property with the dogs in tow, I found a clump of lantana and small bushes. I cleared an area inside the lantana and bushes about 5m x 5m and then wrapped around the area with CAMMO NET. I then planted directly into the pre prepared soil.

NOW, the sunlight filters through the lantana and bushes and for most of what I can gather, they are in that filtered sunlight for the better part of the day.
Is this amount of sunlight adequate for my plants to grow, or do I need more direct sunlight?
hard to tell without a picture , the light is shaded or is it one of those camos with areas to breath where sun can fully penetrate ?
Sounds like it will be ok but its hard to say. Remember the more light you get the more your yield will be!
In the wild the plants rarely are in full sun all day and would venture to say not even most of the day. MJ is a very hardy plant and adapts well to a wide range of growing conditions, so you will probably be alright. Look at the bright side of things you are still giving them more light than they would be getting inside.
Back in the 80's living in Florida I use to grow under the canopy of a huge live oak tree and the plants only got filtered sun the entire grow. If this bit of news gives you any comfort.
Question for you is it possible to do a little pruning on any of the objects that are keeping you from getting full light? Just a thought guess I will have to have another now that I thought.
Good Luck
hard to tell without a picture , the light is shaded or is it one of those camos with areas to breath where sun can fully penetrate ?

The Cammo Net is around the sides, kind of like a privacy fence - not actually over the top of the area. However, there are some trees that have lightly covered leaves that are " filtering " the sunlight, if that makes any sense? The Cammo net is Army issue, the ones we used in Afghanistan to cover our Hummers...
In the wild the plants rarely are in full sun all day and would venture to say not even most of the day. MJ is a very hardy plant and adapts well to a wide range of growing conditions, so you will probably be alright. Look at the bright side of things you are still giving them more light than they would be getting inside.
Back in the 80's living in Florida I use to grow under the canopy of a huge live oak tree and the plants only got filtered sun the entire grow. If this bit of news gives you any comfort.
Question for you is it possible to do a little pruning on any of the objects that are keeping you from getting full light? Just a thought guess I will have to have another now that I thought.
Good Luck

Thanks. I started them off under a normal 45w light in my cupboard in the shed...when they were about 4 inches tall, I planted them in deep pots with a soil mixture consisting of potting mix, compost, horse shit and potash from my fireplace. Queensland Australia has the worst MJ Laws in the world...and one has to be SOOO careful here.
I will try the pruning idea... Thanks for your advice. Much appreciated.
The Cammo Net is around the sides, kind of like a privacy fence - not actually over the top of the area. However, there are some trees that have lightly covered leaves that are " filtering " the sunlight, if that makes any sense? The Cammo net is Army issue, the ones we used in Afghanistan to cover our Hummers...

O ok i thought it was over it , lol

Sounds like you will be fine then , it be nice if you had a picture.

But i loe the idea , to basically make a fence out of a military camofloge cover.
Im considering doing that for my next grow , but id like to see how it looks from a distance or even close to it.

Hows the weather in your area ?
O ok i thought it was over it , lol

Sounds like you will be fine then , it be nice if you had a picture.

But i loe the idea , to basically make a fence out of a military camofloge cover.
Im considering doing that for my next grow , but id like to see how it looks from a distance or even close to it.

Hows the weather in your area ?

Now, its getting a little warmer and a fair amount of rain recently. I will go up the bush directly and take some pics for you. Please note that it is very difficult to see from a distance any greater than about 3 meters... I have seen similar setups made from chicken mess wire...a cheaper alternative to cammo net I guess.
My pleasure Gunny keep us posted. Glad to see that you use woodash, I thought I was about the only left that used it, especially with the horse manure. Great stuff.
Now, its getting a little warmer and a fair amount of rain recently. I will go up the bush directly and take some pics for you. Please note that it is very difficult to see from a distance any greater than about 3 meters... I have seen similar setups made from chicken mess wire...a cheaper alternative to cammo net I guess.

Cool man thanks.

How mutch do the camo's sell for ?
I use chicken wire but that only helps rodents not get in but its still pretty visable .