Sun during the day and LED's at night... in the greenhouse?


Active Member
Hello all!
I am just finishing up my greenhouse and have been thinking of ways to improve it.
Just wondering if anyone has tried using LED lighting (or other artificial light) in their greenhouse combining artificial light, at night, with the sun during the day.

Reason I was leaning towards LED's is I thought maybe I could make it solar powered or something. Not a finalized idea by any means. I'm totally open to any king of suggestion.
Anyway... has anyone attempted or thought about this kind of scenario?


Well-Known Member
many big green houses use HPS pot light as suplement light .. and some run em at night ..

dunno exatly what crop they grow .. but I remember wher I used to go to high school .. they had them big green houses out side town that led up the sky at night time ..

led is a expensiv choise to buy but cost littel to run .. HPS is a cheap buy but also cost more in power .. but if you have space and power use is`t a concern I would choose a HPS/MH light for sure ..


never heard it done before but its a very cool idea .... you should give it a try and let us know man! :D


Well-Known Member
in a green house .. I would just go for a 1000W HPS (or two 600W if I need to cover more plants) and use it/them with no hood on .. 2-3 feet over the plants ..

LED light you need to keep close to the plants ..